Granville County Public Schools

Annual State Inspection of GCPS Buses Complete

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

The State of NC recently completed its annual inspection of all Granville County Public Schools (GCPS) buses, including an audit of the Transportation Department’s inventory, control processes and safety records.

In conducting the inspection, officials assign point values to violations or defects, so the lower the score, the better the overall results. For the second year in a row, GCPS received an overall score better than the state average. This year’s score was a 36.4, with the state central region average being a 38.5.

After reviewing the final official report, Superintendent McLean offered her thoughts, saying, “I was very pleased to see us again do better than the state average score, but I was even more pleased to see that there were ZERO problems related to major safety violations with regard to brakes, tires, steering or fuel leaks. I am very proud of Mr. Harry Wilkins and his team in the Transportation Department. This is a job well done.”

In addition to the low inspection score, the report also highlighted the strengths of the department’s inventory control process. Of the approximately $90,000 of parts and supplies currently in the transportation shop’s inventory, the audit found a discrepancy of only $106.90, which was attributed to miscounts of low-cost items such as fasteners and brackets.

The Transportation Department is also given an annual Transportation Information Management System (TIMS) efficiency rating by the state each year using a separate process. This rating is based on how well the district plans its routes and maximizes the ridership, which in turn reduces fuel consumption and mileage on the buses. The higher the efficiency rating, the better the funding formula will be for a district.

This past year, GCPS had a rating of 94.5%, which exceeded the state’s indicator threshold of 90%. This resulted in the maximum funding calculations for the district and was a reflection of the hard work of TIMS Manager Cindy Fain and the Assistant Principals who manage routes and ridership.

Dr. McLean went on to say, “This report and the high marks for the department are also a reflection of the outstanding job done by our bus drivers each and every day. Our drivers continue to do an excellent job of taking good care of our children on our buses. They, more than anyone, know just how precious their cargo is.  They truly are our children’s guardian angels on the road. We thank the public for remembering this in their daily commute as well.”

Oxford Logo

Oxford’s Property & Public Works Committees to Meet Jan. 29

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Cynthia Bowen, City Clerk, City of Oxford

The Property, Buildings, and Real Estate Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Wednesday, January 29, 2020, at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held in the First Floor Training Room, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street in Oxford.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Armory. 

The Public Works Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Wednesday, January 29, at 11 a.m. The meeting will be held in the First Floor Training Room, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street in Oxford.

The purpose of the meeting is as follows: 

  • Discussion of traffic signalization with John Sandor, District Engineer, NCDOT Div. 5 
  • Staff update on City of Oxford Infrastructure Improvement Initiative Projects 
  • Update on KLRWS Water Treatment Facility Renovations and Expansion Project 

All those interested are invited to attend.

News 01/20/20

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm


Cameron Evans Turned Himself In 1-17-2020

— press release courtesy Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame

On Friday, January 17, 2020, Cameron Evans of 194 Dixie Drive, Kittrell, North Carolina, 27544, turned himself into the Vance County Sheriff Office and was served several warrants for three counts robbery with a dangerous weapon, three counts of conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon, one count of attempted armed robbery with a dangerous weapon, five counts of second degree kidnapping, five counts of assault by pointing a gun.

These incidents occurred in Alamance, Davie, Pitt and Wake counties.  The robberies occurred between December 6, 2019 and January 8, 2020, which included four financial institutions.  The four financial institutions were Branch Banking & Trust (2), Wells Fargo and Sun Trust bank.

Evans was placed in the Vance County Detention Center under a $500.000.00 bond.

New VGCC Partnership with KARTS Makes Education More Accessible


-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College recently launched a new partnership with KARTS, the public, rural transportation system, to help students travel to and from any of the college’s four campuses at no cost. Through the partnership, the college will use grant funds and donations to the VGCC Endowment Fund to pay for students to use KARTS.

“Transportation is just one non-academic barrier that can make it difficult for rural citizens to make use of their community college,” said Dr. Rachel Desmarais, president of VGCC. “We are thankful for KARTS’ willingness to partner with us to reduce this barrier. We also appreciate our generous donors and grantors who are making this opportunity possible. VGCC is committed to student access and success!”

Students can now make appointments for KARTS to pick them up by calling 252-438-2573 and then dialing “0”. If students need to cancel appointments, they can call the same number. Appointment timeslots are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Monday through Friday. Appointments can be made up to two weeks in advance. Service requests for the following day are taken no later than 1 p.m., or as capacity allows.

Students can request tickets on campus from any VGCC employee. Once students have these fare tickets, they must present their VGCC student IDs, along with the tickets, when boarding the KARTS transportation bus. They must be on time, because drivers will wait approximately two minutes, and students who do not show up for scheduled appointments three times are subject to be prohibited from using this service in the future.

Current pickup/drop-off locations on campus are below:

  • VGCC Main Campus (Vance County), in front of Building 7;
  • VGCC Franklin Campus (Louisburg), in front of Building 1;
  • VGCC South Campus (Butner/Creedmoor), in front of Building 1 by the flag pole; and
  • VGCC Warren Campus (Warrenton), between Buildings 2 and 3.

College officials said that there is the potential for more locations to be added in the future.

“We, as a college, are thrilled to provide transportation, at no cost, to current and future students,” said Dawn Michelle Tucker, VGCC’s Dean of Continuing Education and College & Career Readiness. “We know transportation is a major challenge that many students face and we are pleased to be able to partner with KARTS to offer this solution.”

“Our partnership with KARTS provides an even greater opportunity for our communities to access higher education and obtain a college credential,” said Kali Brown, VGCC’s Dean of Student Access & Support.

Working to remove the lack of transportation as an obstacle to receiving higher education and job training is just one aspect of the community college’s commitment to student support. Numerous types of financial aid and scholarships, including the unique “VanGuarantee” program, are available to help students pay for classes. Free tutoring services, library services (on all campuses and online) and career services are also among a variety of resources for students.

“Excessive absences are often a leading contributor to non-completion of community college education,” said VGCC Vice President of Workforce and Community Engagement Jerry Edmonds. “Therefore, VGCC is delighted to partner with KARTS in providing transportation to our growing population of students.”

KARTS is a service of the Kerr Area Transportation Authority. Its mission is “to provide safe, dependable and accessible transportation services in the most efficient and effective manner possible in order to improve mobility, support livable communities, enhance local economies, and provide opportunities to expand horizons of the citizens of Franklin, Granville, Vance and Warren Counties.” Those are the same four counties served by VGCC.

All KARTS rides are provided on a scheduled/reserved basis, with fees based on mileage from point of origin to destination.

Henderson Men's Shelter

Henderson Men’s Shelter in Need of Volunteers for Winter Season

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Community Partners of Hope

The Henderson Men’s Shelter needs the community’s help with providing supervision for the shelter for the remainder of the winter season. Our supply of volunteers and partner churches has slowly eroded to the point that we cannot find volunteers to cover all of the nights.

We have a responsibility to provide coverage, even when there are no volunteers, and we need additional monies for unforeseeable occurrences – especially “white flag” days and nights where the temperature falls below 28 degrees.

We are already paying staff for one of the two slots needed for each shift – this has added continuity and much smoother shelter operations. We had hoped to use volunteers for the additional coverage so that we always have two people supervising.

On most nights, one person would be enough if we could guarantee there would be no emergency, but though they are rare, emergencies do happen and we need to be ready to deal with them.

The Board of Directors has decided to approve paying one of our part-time staff members to cover additional nights when we cannot find volunteers. Hopefully, more volunteers will step up and we won’t have to resort to this too often – but frankly, we do not have the funding in our budget for this need.

We are already committed to replacing the failing roof on Hope House and even though much of the material has been donated, we still will have considerable costs.


Please consider taking a volunteer shift or asking your church to get involved to take a few nights (just MTWTH each week).

We are running a Facebook fundraiser which gives us 100% of the payments received via credit card on a secure platform.

Checks can also be made payable to CPOH and mailed to:

Community Partners of Hope, Inc

P.O. Box 1791

Henderson, NC 27536

You can view the volunteer schedule on the shelter calendar by clicking here or call Jane at (252) 432-9494.

Democratic Party

Vance County Democratic Party to Meet Jan. 23

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Marcia Allen, Vance County Democratic Party

The Vance County Democratic Party will meet Thursday, January 23, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioner’s room in the old courthouse. The elevator is in service for persons with mobility issues.

Discussions will include precinct organizations.

Officers are needed and all Democrats are asked to attend. Questions can be directed to Acting Chairperson, Marcia Allen at or 252-767-5195.

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold Planning Retreat

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, January 21 and Monday, February 10, 2020, for a planning retreat. The two-day retreat will be held in the Farm Bureau Room of Perry Memorial Library in Henderson from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.

According to the finalized agenda for the January 21 meeting, opening remarks by Gordon Wilder, chairman of the Board of Commissioners, and Jordan McMillen, Vance County Manager, will be followed by county department heads presenting their respective office’s accomplishments and priorities.

Order of Presentations: Animal Services, Frankie Nobles; Cooperative Extension, Turner Pride; Economic Development, Dennis Jarvis, II; Elections, Faye Gill; Emergency Operations (911), Brian Short; EMS, Javier Plummer; Finance, Katherine Bigelow; Fire Department, Chris Wright; Fire Marshal, Keith Duncan; Human Resources, Argretta Johen; Information Technology, Kevin Brown; Library, Patti McAnally; Maintenance/Security, Brad Weatherington; Planning & Development, Sherry Moss; Register of Deeds, Cassandra Neal; Sheriff’s Office & Jail, Sheriff Curtis Brame; Social Services, Denita Devega; Soil & Water, Jacob Wilkie; Solid Waste, Jason Falls; Tax Office, Porcha Brooks; Veterans Services, Linwood Martin.

Following department presentations, McMillen will review the 2019-2020 fiscal year goals. Lunch with department heads will conclude the meeting.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Board of Education to Meet for Work Session Jan. 21

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools


The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a Work Session on Tuesday, January 21, 2020, at 2 p.m. at West Oxford Elementary School, 412 Ivey Day Rd., Oxford, North Carolina.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the items found on the agenda at

The board may also meet in Closed Session to discuss confidential matters and consult with its attorney in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 143.318.11 (a)(1),(a)(3), and (a)(6).

Granville County Logo

2020 Coggin’s Clinics for Horse Owners Scheduled

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government 

NC Cooperative Extension, Granville County Center, has scheduled two Coggin’s Clinics for horse owners. Horses that are taken off the farm to events such as horse shows or trail rides, or even for pleasure riding off the farm, should be tested for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). The Coggins Clinics offer this test at a reduced rate for horse owners.

Testing in February will allow time for horse owners to get their negative test results back before the season for trail rides and horse shows begins.

Dates and times for the clinics are:

Saturday, Feb. 15, 2020, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 21, 2020, 1 to 4 p.m.

Both clinics will be held at Southern States Cooperative, located at 607 Hillsboro Street in Oxford. Those interested should turn into the west end of the store parking lot, cross the railroad tracks and proceed to the bulk storage area, where they will see the clinic set up and a circular drive which will make it easy to get in and out.

Call the Granville County Cooperative Extension Center at 919-603-1350 or send an email to to make an appointment for horses to be tested.

Vaccinations for East/West Equine Encephalitis, Flu/Rhinovirus, Rabies, West Nile Virus and other diseases are also available for a fee. Horse owners should consult with a veterinarian for recommended vaccinations.

For questions or directions to the clinics, contact the Granville County NC Cooperative Extension Center at 919-603-1350.