Warren’s Mobile DMV Unit to Save Residents Trip Outside the County

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Warren County Government

The North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will continue to bring its mobile unit to Warren County in 2020. Examiners will travel to the Warren County Armory Civic Center located at 501 US Hwy 158 Bus E, Warrenton every other month from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

The 2020 visitation schedule will begin on Wednesday, January 15. The remaining dates include March 11, May 13, July 15, September 16 and December 16.

Each mobile DMV office contains all the components of a brick and mortar DMV office.

For more information on DMV services, contact the DMV at 919-715-7000 or visit www.ncdot.gov.

Vance County Logo

County Awaiting Testing Results Before Resuming Fire Restructuring Talks

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

In a brief update to WIZS, Vance County Commissioner Dan Brummitt stated that restructuring of the volunteer fire departments, a topic that has been much discussed and debated in recent months, is currently in a holding pattern pending test results.

“Most of the fire departments underwent testing for fire ratings, and we are waiting on the results before we proceed,” said Brummitt. “Preliminary results indicate that they all did well, and we should see some ability for insurance rates to be lowered in some parts of the county.”

Under the current fire restructuring proposal, paid part-time positions would be added to the County’s volunteer fire departments with the exception of the Vance County Fire Department, which would remain as currently structured.

“As soon as we get official test results, we anticipate starting the conversation again,” Brummitt said.

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council to Review Results of Fire Study Proposal

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council’s Public Safety Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, at 1 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the results of the Fire Study Proposal. The public is welcome to observe.

Reminder: New Horizons Baptist Stew Sale This Sat. Jan. 11!

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Pastor Cam Ford, New Horizons Baptist Church

New Horizons Baptist Church in Oxford will be having a Brunswick Stew Sale this Saturday, January 11, 2020.

Quarts are $8 apiece, and you’ll be able to pick these up from the Granville County Shrine Club located at 706 Roxboro Rd. in Oxford from 9 until 11 a.m. that morning.

Pastor Ford and the congregation look forward to seeing you there!

Senior Center’s ‘Rock Steady Boxing’ Staves Off Parkinson’s Progression

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Seniors with a New Year’s resolution to improve overall health and fight against the progression of Parkinson’s disease are being offered a conditioning program that increases flexibility, as well as improving agility, speed, muscular endurance, hand-eye coordination and core strength.

Bill Cheatham (left) and Reginald Weaver (right) rotate among several stations of the Rock Steady Boxing session held Monday at the Senior Center. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)

“Rock Steady Boxing” (RSB) was introduced to the area in late summer, with the Granville County Senior Center in Oxford becoming one of 852 affiliates of the nationwide program. Approximately 15 local participants are already enrolled in RSB sessions each week, says Senior Services’ Fitness Program Coordinator Justin Waller, and more are welcome to attend.

Parkinson’s is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that can cause deterioration of motor and sensory skills, impacting balance, movement and speech. According to “Parkinson’s News Today,” a news and information website, vigorous exercise such as running, riding a bicycle – or even boxing – is key to disease prevention.

Fitness Program Coordinator Justin Waller demonstrates how to “throw a punch” at a recent Rock Steady Boxing session held at the Senior Center in Oxford. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)

For the more than 60,000 patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year, exercise such as the regimen provided through the Rock Steady Boxing method, studies show, can ward off changes in the brain caused by aging while increasing oxygen delivery.

Every Monday at 1:30 p.m., participating seniors learn boxing basics as Waller facilitates these non-contact fitness sessions to help seniors improve daily activities and “fight back” against the disease.

“Granville County Senior Services became a RSB affiliate in 2019 after Justin traveled to Colorado to attend the Affiliate Training Camp program,” explains Kathy May, Senior Services Director. “This specialized training included hands-on classes for Justin to learn to conduct a class and scale for every ability level.”

May adds that Waller was already “ahead of the game” when he attended the training camp since he has an undergraduate degree in exercise science from UNC-Chapel Hill, as well as a master’s degree in exercise physiology from UNC-Greensboro. He also has years of experience in the field of exercise and nutrition.

Rock Steady Boxing’s goal is to educate as many people as possible about the benefits of intense exercise and to establish safe and welcoming programs in every community.

Through RSB training, Granville County has joined ongoing nationwide efforts to meet fitness levels at all stages – from preventative measures to those who have been living with Parkinson’s symptoms for decades – as well as developing a sense of unity in the fight against the disease.

To learn more about the Rock Steady Boxing program offered by Granville County Senior Services – or to register – please call the Senior Center, located at 107 Lanier Street in Oxford, at 919-693-1930.

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 01/06/20

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8 am, 12 pm, 5 pm

News 01/06/20

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Vance County NC

Officials Estimate $15K Grant Will Remove 10 Abandoned Mobile Homes


Vance County Manager Jordan McMillen provided WIZS with the following summary of the County’s recent award of a $15,000 grant to remove abandoned mobile homes:

The County applied for a grant through the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service which is under the State’s Department of Environmental Quality. We applied for $40,000 and were awarded $15,000.

This program has been on our radar since our first two iterations with it in 2010 and 2016. Our Board mentioned an interest in the program during their retreat last year in January and, once the funding was finalized in this year’s state budget, we had our Solid Waste Department prepare the application.

The funds will come to the County and is for the deconstruction, removal and disposal of abandoned mobile homes. We believe these funds, coupled with our matching requirement of $7,500 and with the participation fee, will remove approximately 10 units.

We will choose which units to address based upon a first-come-first-serve interest from property owners. First, we will inspect the unit to ensure it is abandoned and in a condition where it should be removed, and then we will handle the selection of a contractor to complete the work.

This program has been very satisfying because it gets right at beautifying our community. When we received the funding in 2010, there were multiple highly visible units that were removed. I recall one instance on NC 39 North where two abandoned mobile homes were right along the roadway, and every time folks traveled to the lake it was a visible blight. We are hoping this latest round of funding will allow us to identify and work with property owners to do the same.

For more information about the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service’s Abandoned Manufactured Homes (AMH) Grant Program, please click here.

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Meet Mon., Jan. 6

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, January 6, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson. The Invocation will be given by Mary Anderson, associate minister of Shiloh Baptist Church.

Agenda items include:

1. Public Comments (for those registered to speak by 5:45 p.m. – speakers are limited to five minutes)

2. Public Hearing – 6 p.m. – FY 2020-21 Budget

3. Public Hearing – 6:15 p.m. – Angie Blount, County Planner Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment

4. Water District Board

a. Staff Report

b. Monthly Operations Report

5. County Manager’s Report

a. Schedule Annual Planning Retreat

b. NCDOT Agreement – Warrenton Road Solid Waste Project

6. Consent Agenda Items

a. Tax Refunds and Releases

b. Ambulance Charge-Offs

c. Monthly Reports

d. Minutes

7. Miscellaneous

a. Appointments

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas.

H-V Chamber Logo

Reminder: Jan. 8 Last Day to Apply for Chamber’s 2020 Leadership Vance

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

It’s time to apply for Leadership Vance! If you haven’t been through the Chamber’s Leadership Vance program, you don’t want to miss the 2020 session.

Leadership Vance is a proven, structured program, designed to create a corps of informed and dedicated emerging leaders in our community. Upon graduation, program participants will be qualified to meet the present and future challenges facing Henderson and Vance County.

Leadership Vance will inform, challenge and educate participants on the opportunities and needs of the community. Participants will strengthen their leadership skills while learning about the social, economic, and political dynamics that shape our community.

Leadership Vance will encourage the development of interpersonal relationships among the participants and establish an ongoing resource network.

The intensive training and exposure to all aspects of the community will provide participants with the historical background and the skills necessary for volunteer, civic and community positions. It will also benefit participants in their business and career goals.

Individuals who live or work in Vance County are invited to apply. A select number of participants will be chosen by the Leadership Vance Selection Committee and will represent all backgrounds, occupations and geographic areas of Vance County.

To receive maximum benefit from Leadership Vance, it is essential that participants and their employers be willing to commit the time necessary for successful completion of the program. A participant is expected to attend all sessions, barring extreme emergencies. A maximum of two excused absences is permitted in order to graduate from the Leadership Vance program. All participants are expected to plan and participate as a team in a community service project.

The program cost is $350 for Chamber members and $425 for non-Chamber members. The tuition fee includes all course materials, meals, retreat expenses, travel, graduation banquet and diploma.

All participants should submit a completed application to the Chamber office no later than Wednesday, January 8, 2020.

For more information, contact Sandra Wilkerson at (252) 438-8414 or by email at sandra@hendersonvance.org.