Maria Parham to Offer Free Clinical Breast Exams

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Maria Parham Health

To celebrate October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, FREE clinical breast exams will be offered at Maria Parham Health on Thursday, October 24, 2019, from 5 until 7 p.m.

Join Maria Parham for:

  • Free clinical breast exams
  • Breast cancer resources
  • Follow up resources
  • Prevention education
  • Wellness information

For more information, please call (252) 436-1605 or visit

Granville Emergency Services Encourages All to Participate in Earthquake Drill

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County residents will soon have an opportunity to join a wide-spread effort to become more prepared in case of an earthquake.

The 2019 Great Southeast Shakeout is an annual public earthquake drill where millions of people in organizations, schools and homes simultaneously practice “Drop, Cover and Hold On,” which is the recommended action for people to take during an earthquake. This event is scheduled for Thurs. Oct. 17 at 10:17 a.m.

An earthquake is a sudden, quick shaking of the earth caused by the breaking and moving of underground rock, and can be followed by aftershocks. While not a highly likely event in Granville County, earthquakes may happen anywhere you live, work or travel. A major earthquake can occur at any time, with no warning and with a short time to react.

Granville County Emergency Services strongly encourages local participation in this event. If interested, visit to enroll your organization, school, agency, business or family.

Once registered, participants will learn how to be more prepared for earthquakes; will be counted in the world’s largest earthquake drill; will receive ShakeOut news and other information about earthquakes and preparedness; will make a difference by motivating others to participate and to be prepared.

Drills like this can help residents and businesses be better prepared on how to react if the ground starts shaking. In the case of an earthquake, remember to Drop, Cover and Hold On.

DROP  – get down on the floor when shaking starts, before the quake drops you.

COVER – take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture. If you cannot find something to get under, crouch against an inside wall. Keep your head and neck safe by using your arms. Stay away from windows, hanging objects, mirrors or anything that might fall over.

HOLD ON – hold onto a desk, table or piece of furniture. Be ready to move with it during the quake.

To be able to respond quickly, everyone should practice these steps often. There may be only a few seconds before strong shaking knocks you down, or something falls on you.

Millions of people worldwide have participated in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills since 2008. The exercise is held on the third Thursday of October each year.

Be prepared, and encourage others to join in! Visit for more preparedness information.

GCPS Superintendent McLean to Hold ‘Coffee Hour’

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville Co. Public Schools

All are invited to a “Superintendent’s Coffee Hour” with Granville County Public Schools’ Superintendent Dr. Alisa McLean at the GCPS Central Services Building on Thursday, October 3, 2019.

The session will be held from 8:30 until 9:30 a.m. and is a great opportunity to hear updates from the district, ask questions and join the conversation about Granville County schools.

Central Office is located at 101 Delacroix Street in Oxford.

Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks

H-V Rec. Youth Basketball Registration Underway

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Facilities Supervisor, Aycock Recreation Center

Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Youth Basketball registration will be held Monday, September 23 through Sunday, November 3, 2019, at the Aycock Recreation Center.

Youth basketball is for boys ages 4-18 and girls ages 4-14.

Registration fee is $40 ($30 for those who played a sport in the 2019 season). Program fee waivers are available to those who qualify.

For more information, please contact Steve Osborne at (252) 438-2670 or email

Blessed Hope Baptist to Hold Fall Revival

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Lauren Elliott, Blessed Hope Baptist Church

Blessed Hope Baptist Church, 741 Dabney Road in Henderson, will hold a Fall Revival led by Dan Toney October 6 –  October 9, 2019.

Revival will be held at 11 a.m. on Sunday, October 6 and at 7 p.m. each evening Monday, October 7 – Wednesday, October 9.

All are invited to attend!

Warren Co. 4-H: Youth Mentors Needed for Community Service Hours Opportunity

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Warren County NC Coop. Extension

Know a youth in need of internship or community service hours?

Warren County 4-H will be staring a mentoring program called “4-H L.I.T.” (Leading Into Tomorrow) and is in need of youth mentors.

Seven youth mentors are needed and must:

  • Love working with youth
  • Attend required training on Monday, Sept. 30
  • Complete mentor application
  • Commit to 60 hours by the end of the school year

An online application is available on the Warren County 4-H website (click here). The application deadline is Saturday, September 28.

With additional questions, please contact Rashawn Steverson at (252) 257-3640 or email

Artist Spotlight 09/25/19

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

News 09/26/19

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Town Talk 09/25/19: Police, Jobs Key to City’s Future Says Mayoral Candidate Owens

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Sharon Owens, candidate for the position of Henderson Mayor, was the guest of honor on Wednesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk.

Owens is running against incumbent Eddie Ellington in the October 8, 2019, City of Henderson non-partisan, municipal election.

Owens, a budget analyst with Durham Public Schools and an evangelist with Greater Refuge Church, said it was prayer and her concern for the City of Henderson that led her to file.

A Henderson native, the Montgomery Street resident said she has spent much of the past year speaking to locals from “all backgrounds” regarding their concerns for the community. “We have a diverse community, but I’ve found that everyone has the same concerns: jobs, economic growth and safety,” Owens said.

Noting the concern about crime in the city, along with reports of the difficulty local law enforcement has in recruiting and retaining officers, Owens said it is past time to find a way to adequately fund the police force.

“We’ve got to find a way to get some money so we can hire more police officers,” said Owens. “We’ve got to be competitive with salaries so they want to stay here. We can’t afford for them to come in, receive training here and then go someplace else.”

She continued, “One of my priorities is to find some money so we can keep our police, especially the good ones that don’t mind working and whose agenda is just the safety of the people.”

Owens said a combination of grants and “money that the City may have tucked away somewhere” could be the answer to both increasing the police force and increasing police pay.

Stating that her research has shown the average salary in Henderson is $26,000, Owens said boosting paychecks is essential for the economic health of the area. “People are concerned about wages and the lack of job opportunities. We have to make our city safer and more presentable so jobs will want to come here.”

Owens also said the community needs to reach out to its youth. “We’ve got to inspire our young people. There’s got to be a reason for them to want to finish school and stay rooted in Henderson. We don’t want to see our young people leaving and to see Henderson become a ghost town.”

(This is not a paid political advertisement. To offer equal coverage to political opponents, Incumbent Mayor Eddie Ellington is scheduled to participate in a Town Talk interview with WIZS on Monday, Sept. 30.)

To hear Owens’ Town Talk interview in its entirety, please click the play button below. Listen live to WIZS’ Town Talk Monday-Friday at 11 a.m. on 1450AM, 100.1 FM or online at

City of Henderson Logo

Daye, Henderson City Council Incumbent, Seeks Reelection

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

George Daye, the incumbent candidate for the Henderson City Council’s 4th Ward At-Large seat, is running against Jason A. Spriggs in the October 8, 2019, City of Henderson election.

Also serving on the Human Resources, Public Safety and Regional Transportation Committees for the City of Henderson, Daye said he would like to continue to seek affordable housing opportunities for residents should he be reelected to the City Council.

“It would help the community a lot if we had decent housing,” said Daye. “The City is doing a good job. When you have a complaint, [the solution] doesn’t just happen the next day. It takes time to get things resolved, but we’ve seen progress.”

Promoting additional rent-to-own opportunities to help residents achieve the pride that comes with homeownership is one way Daye said the City can help with the housing situation.

Daye, a resident of N. Pinkston Street, said he was “blessed” to achieve homeownership through a similar rent-to-own opportunity.

Another area of concern, according to Daye, is Henderson’s high crime and drug rate. “We need to somehow get control of our young people because what they are doing is killing our city.”

To accomplish that, Daye, who is also the president of Raemac Transportation, suggested working closely with law enforcement and local churches.

“I do think we have people in place that are willing to see Henderson go forward. People in [influential] positions should be willing to work with the community to see a better Henderson. We need to do everything we can to work with the Henderson Police Department to downgrade these things that are going on.”

Despite the issues, Daye said that he loves the city that he has called home for the majority of his life, “Henderson is a fine place to live; I’ve been here 76 years.”

Acknowledging his age, Daye said he has served in a mentoring capacity to current opponent Spriggs in the past, and initially questioned running for reelection because he was “looking for a younger person to take the position.”

Believing he has at least one more term left in him, Daye said he decided to file but will “support Jason all the way” if Spriggs is elected.

“As the time drew nigh, I said, ‘Well, if I win this election I’ll be 80-years-old when I get out of here. So, I refiled and if I win, I’ll give it my best shot.’”

(This is not a paid political advertisement. Jason Spriggs participated in a similar Town Talk interview. WIZS offers political opponents equal on-air time.)