New Hope Elementary to Receive $500 Kohl’s Grant

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

There were five Kohl’s employees who traveled from their store in Durham to spend about half of the school day helping students and teachers in their classrooms on March 14.

As a result of the employees’ assistance with students and teachers at New Hope Elementary School, Kohl’s will award the school the grant funding.

Kohl’s employees, wearing their blue volunteer t-shirts, are shown in the two accompanying photos as they work with students in their classrooms. Kohl’s staff helped students with reading and math assignments during their volunteer time at the school. The volunteers worked mostly with small groups of students in classrooms in grades 3-5 at New Hope.

Principal Harold Thompson, Jr. said the Kohl’s employees were a great help during the approximately four hours they were at the school. He noted that New Hope students always enjoy having adults to come into their classrooms to assist them with their work.

(Photo courtesy VCS)

(Photo courtesy VCS)

Masonic Home for Children

Masonic Home Welcomes Volunteers for 8th Annual ‘Great Landscape Day’

-Information courtesy Jennifer Cufalo, Financial Development Assistant, Masonic Home for Children at Oxford

The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford will hold their 8th Annual Great Landscape Day on Saturday, April 13, 2019.

Individual and group volunteers are invited to share in a day of fellowship that will improve the appearance of the children’s home. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

When: Saturday, April 13, 2019 (no rain date – call for updates)

Where: Campus of Masonic Home for Children – 600 College St. in Oxford, NC

Schedule: 7:30 – 9 a.m. – continental breakfast for participants; 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. – landscaping event on campus; 12 p.m. –  lunch and conclusion of event.

Participants must RSVP on or before Friday, April 5 to indicate their interest and must include the number attending. To RSVP or for more information, contact MHCO at (919) 603-3930 or email

2019 N.C. Strawberry Season Underway

-Press Release, NCDA&CS

April signals the start of strawberry season in North Carolina, and local growers are expecting a very good crop that should last through Memorial Day.

“There should be plenty of berries this year despite a wet and cold first quarter in 2019,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “We encourage consumers to visit a pick-your-own farm, go to a farmers market or stop by a roadside stand to get the freshest berries available.”

Consumers also can find locally grown strawberries in grocery stores and restaurants by looking for the Got to Be NC logo. The Got to Be NC program is the official state identity program for N.C. agricultural products, and lets consumers know they are buying a product grown, raised, caught or made in North Carolina.

North Carolina is the fourth-largest producer of strawberries in the nation, with about 1,100 acres harvested across the state. Growers have already started picking in Eastern North Carolina. Piedmont growers will begin picking in mid-April and growers in the mountains should start by the first of May. The peak of the season is traditionally Mother’s Day.

The department and the N.C. Strawberry Association will celebrate with two Strawberry Day events in May. The first event is at the State Farmers Market in Raleigh on May 2 and at the Robert G. Shaw Piedmont Triad Farmers Market in Colfax on May 3. Both celebrations include a strawberry recipe contest, ice cream samples and a visit by Suzy Strawberry.

More information about the strawberry industry is available at Consumers interested in finding a you-pick strawberry farm near them can go to

Hinton to Perform at Henderson Institute Museum in Honor of Jazz Month

-Information and flyer courtesy the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

In celebration of April as Jazz Appreciation Month (JAM), the Henderson Institute Historical Museum will feature singer, songwriter, musician and entertainer Leah Hinton on Saturday, April 27, 2019, from 6 until 9 p.m.

Cost is $25; refreshments will be served.

The museum is located at 629 W. Rockspring St. in Henderson, NC.

Contact the museum at (252) 430-0616 for ticket information.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Rebuilding Hope Names Bob “PlumBob” Demarco April’s Spotlight Volunteer

-Information courtesy Rebuilding Hope, Inc. 

When retired plumber Bob Demarco relocated from Maine to Warrenton, N.C., in 2012, he found “the perfect place for me to serve and be able to use the talents and gifts God has blessed me with.”

That place? Rebuilding Hope.

“I was immediately embraced by so many exceptional men and women who mentored and directed me to serve in several different capacities, including plumbing, welding and construction. I took an instant liking to my newfound hobby and even started publishing some battery backup sump pump reviews on the internet,” Bob says.

Bob says he connected with RHI through a member of Central Baptist Church, where he and wife Chris were attending.

Bob Demarco named Rebuilding Hope’s April 2019 Volunteer of the Month. (Photo Credit: RHI)

“I reached out to Charles Granger, asking if he might know of a need as I had a stove and refrigerator to donate,” he says. “Charles told me of Rebuilding Hope and explained the mission and work. It was amazing that God delivered me to Rebuilding Hope so quickly.”

Bob says that “the work I have done at Rebuilding Hope has been the most gratifying and fulfilling work I have ever done.

“One of my favorite events is Kids Camp where I teach younger boys and girls plumbing and drywall construction.”

One camper, Bob says, really paid attention.

“My heart was touched by a young boy who after class went home and looked under the kitchen sink and, with amazement, asked his mom and dad if they knew they had pipes there.”

Now a resident of Johnston County and a member of Wilson’s Mills Baptist Church, Bob continues his volunteer work at RHI.

Recently, his skills were put to use plumbing bathrooms and showers for second-floor bunk rooms.

“To volunteer at Rebuilding Hope fills the needs of the community and fills my soul and heart,” says Bob, who’s affectionately known as “PlumBob.”

At his new church, Bob serves on the Community Service Committee and in the prayer ministry. He also works with Serve the Need of Johnston County, whose work is similar to that of RHI.

In leisure time, Bob says he enjoys reading and drumming.

He and Chris have five children, 18 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 04/01/19

News 04/01/19