Complete Warrenton’s Bicycle-Pedestrian Plan Survey for a Chance to Win $50!

-Information courtesy Town of Warrenton NC’s Facebook page

The Town of Warrenton is interested in your feedback on bicycle and pedestrian plans. A grant from NC DOT is helping the Town develop plans and citizen feedback is critical.

Survey forms are available online, at Town Hall and also at the County Health Department and Library. Surveys can be turned in at any of these locations.

Upon completing a survey, you will automatically be registered for a drawing that includes a $50 cash prize!

Help us plan for the future!  Download the survey:

Survey Questionnaire ENGLISH

Survey Questionnaire SPANISH

Or click here to complete an online survey.

NC Dept of Agriculture

NC Farmers, Supporters to Attend Agriculture Awareness Event

-Press Release, NCDA&CS

The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is hosting Ag Awareness Day. Farmers, agribusiness leaders and Ag supporters will attend to show their support for North Carolina’s No. 1 industry and to thank legislators for passing the $240 million Hurricane Florence Ag Disaster Relief package. Participants will meet with legislators and attend a program in Bicentennial Plaza.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Bicentennial Plaza, Raleigh (between the Agriculture Building and the N.C. Museum of History)

*8:30 a.m. – Buses will depart the fairgrounds bringing Ag Awareness Day participants downtown.

*9 – 11 a.m. – Participants will meet with their legislators.

*11:30 a.m. – Ag Awareness Day program begins in Bicentennial Plaza, including the following speakers:

Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler, Gov. Roy Cooper, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, President Pro Tempore Phil Berger, Speaker Tim Moore, Senator Brent Jackson, Representative Jimmy Dixon, Senator Dan Blue, Representative John Bell, Senator Don Davis, Representative Brian Turner and NCSU Dean Richard Linton.

*All times are approximate.

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 03/19/19

Vance County Schools 03/18/19

Coach’s Corner 03/15/19

News 03/19/19

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 03/18/19

Town Talk 03/19/19

Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers to Hold 9th Annual Golf Tournament

James Baines, president of Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers, was on Monday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the organizations upcoming 9th annual golf tournament.

This year’s tournament will be held at Kerr Lake Country Club on Thursday, April 25, 2019. Crime Stoppers is currently accepting registration forms (see below) for golf team members and hole sponsors.

Teams will consist of a group of four members for $200 ($50 per person); hole sponsorships are available for $100.

Hole sponsors receive a sign promoting their organization on the golf course in addition to tournament and media recognition.

Participants will be eligible for 18 holes of golf, golf cart access, lunch, door prize opportunities, drinks (non-alcoholic only) and snacks.

Mulligans are optional and are available for purchase at the event. An additional prize will be given away at the (optional) putting contest.

According to Baines, Superior Chrysler of Henderson will once again offer a new vehicle for a hole in one made on a specific hole.

All funds raised by the tournament will be used as “tip money” for those who report information to Crime Stoppers that leads to the arrest or conviction of a perpetrator. Reward payouts can be as high as $2,000; callers can remain anonymous.

“Spring is about to erupt and people are looking to get out on the golf course,” said Baines. “We appreciate the community’s support and we look forward to seeing you on April 25.”

For more information, please visit the H-V Crime Stoppers’ website at, Facebook page, or contact Baines directly at (252) 430-9218.

To hear the Town Talk interview with James Baines in its entirety, click here.

VGCC Presents 7th Annual Dinner Theater: ‘Company’ by Stephen Sondheim

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

“Company” by Stephen Sondheim

Tickets for Seventh Annual Dinner Theater will go on sale March 25!

Check out the details below of what promises to be an evening of fun, food and fellowship in the great Vance-Granville Drama and Culinary Arts tradition and get your tickets at The event, once again involving the collaboration of the VGCC Drama and Culinary Arts departments, is scheduled for the evenings of Thursday, April 25 and Friday, April 26, 2019, in the Civic Center on VGCC’s Main Campus in Vance County. Dinner begins at 6 p.m. each evening.

Sondheim’s musical is a sophisticated and honest look at modern adult relationships.

From musical theatre’s most renowned composer, “Company” is largely regarded as a trailblazer of the dark-comedy, modern-musical genre and the winner of seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Best Score, Best Lyrics and Best Book.

On the night of his 35th birthday, confirmed bachelor Robert contemplates his unmarried state. Over the course of a series of dinners, drinks and even a wedding, his friends – “those good and crazy people [his] married friends” – explain the pros and cons of taking on a spouse. The habitually single Robert is forced to question his adamant retention of bachelorhood during a hilarious array of interactions.

“Company” features a brilliantly brisk and energetic score containing many of Stephen Sondheim’s best-known songs. The strength of the piece lies in its vivid yet real characters, meaning impressive technical aspects aren’t necessary to convey the story. It can be told as effectively with a cavalcade of automated set pieces as it can with a chair or two. Every audience member will see reflections of themselves in at least one of the characters onstage.

Betsy Henderson, VGCC’s Department Chair/Instructor of Humanities and Fine Arts, is the director of the play.

Tickets are $30 and are scheduled to go on sale on March 25. Audience members will be able to choose the table and specific seats they want at the same time that they buy their tickets online. Patrons are encouraged to purchase their tickets early in order to have the best chance of getting the seats they want for this year’s show.

For more information, visit