Town Talk 03/26/19

‘Charlotte’s Web’ to Delight School Children, Families Alike

Part of the Educational Series

The heartwarming literary classic “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White comes to life on stage! Enjoy this beautifully staged production that will be presented by children for children.

Two performances will be available for schools at 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Friday, April 5, 2019. 

*Approximate length: 2 hrs, 15 mins, suggested grades: 2nd – 5th. $10 per student or parent. Add popcorn and bottled water for $3 more. Two free teacher/teacher assistant admissions with each class. For more information, contact or call (252) 598-0662.

FAMILIES – make it a family night/afternoon at the theater by attending the shows on Saturday, April 6 at 8 p.m. or Sunday, April 7 at 2 p.m. Tickets are now available!

Tickets may be purchased by:

DROP IN: 201 Breckenridge Street, Henderson, N.C. Monday – Friday 1:30 – 5:30 p.m

CALL: (252) 598-0662 (M-F 1:30 – 5:30 p.m.)

CLICK HERE:  (Use the eTix official site, online fees apply)

(This is not a paid advertisement)

DA Waters: 16 & 17-Year-Olds to be Tried as Juveniles Effective Dec. 1

District Attorney Mike Waters was on Monday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the “Raise the Age” Initiative, an NC Legislature-passed law that will raise the age of juvenile jurisdiction for nonviolent crimes to age 18 effective December 1, 2019.

According to Waters, this change will significantly increase the juvenile court workload as the majority of 16 and 17-year-olds, currently tried automatically as adults in NC, will be tried as juveniles when the law goes into effect.

Under the new law, exceptions exist for 16 and 17-year-olds who commit felonies that are classified as A-D – including murder, robbery and burglary – in addition to DWI and other traffic offenses, firearm charges and gang-related offenses.

“North Carolina is one of the last two states in the nation to charge 16-year-olds as adults,” said Waters. “I want to reassure the public that, under the new law, the DA’s office will have the discretion to prosecute juveniles that commit serious crimes as adults.”

Waters also explained that, as of December 1, a 16 or 17-year-old convicted of a serious crime will fall under the “once an adult, always an adult” adage; once tried as an adult, any subsequent convictions will be tried as an adult as well.

As for the reason behind raising the age limit for juvenile prosecutions, Waters said research and statistics make a compelling case.

“Research shows that many 16 and 17-year-olds that get involved in the court system may not get involved with it again. Tracking someone forever and giving them a record at a young age creates a certain outcome. Also, 16 and 17-year-olds are not thinking the same way that 18, 19 and 21-year-olds are thinking.”

While juvenile court often results in some form of punishment, Waters said the primary purpose is “therapeutic” in nature. “In juvenile court, you’re trying to get the juvenile on the straight and narrow so they do not have to come back [into the court system].”

Waters and other district attorneys across NC will be asking state legislators for additional assistant district attorneys and support staff to help with the expected increase to the juvenile court workload.

“The NC Conference of District Attorneys will be asking the legislature for 54 additional assistant district attorneys across the state with the expectation that we will have one of those in our district,” Waters said.

Waters and his office serve Vance, Granville, Franklin, Warren and Person counties. This five-county area compromises the 9th Judicial and the 11th Prosecutorial districts in North Carolina.

To hear the Town Talk interview with DA Mike Waters in its entirety, click here.

Update: No Serious Injuries Reported in Warren Co. Activity Bus Rollover

Warren County Schools’ Assistant Superintendent Dr. Frank Polakiewicz contacted WIZS News Monday afternoon to follow up with information about the Warren County activity bus that rolled over this past Friday afternoon. Injuries were minor to all the occupants of the bus. Dr. Polakiewicz said everyone aboard was transported to nearby hospitals but all were released.

He said, “We had a bus that was returning from a field trip in Durham. They had been to a Microsoft establishment for a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) activity I believe. We had 14 students, two chaperones and the driver on the bus.  About five miles outside of (Warrenton) on route 1001, the bus swerved and tipped over on its side. Our team responded, and the principal, transportation and emergency services responded.”

Polakiewicz said, “Fortunately none of the students, chaperones or driver were seriously injured.”

The highway patrol is still trying to determine the direct cause of the accident, according to Polakiewicz. He said an individual claimed to have seen the accident and thought it was wind-related. “We reviewed the camera. There was nothing unusual going on inside the bus, so we are waiting for the final report as to the cause of the accident.”

Vance Co. Schools Announces Upcoming End-of-Year Activities

-Press Release, Vance County Schools
Vance County schools have a variety of events planned as this school year enters its last two months of instruction and activities with our students.
More events are being planned, but below are a few that are currently scheduled:
  • April 10, 9-11:30 a.m. at Dabney Elementary – second-grade students attend presentations made by local firemen
  • April 12, 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Zeb Vance Elementary – Career Day event for students with representatives from several local businesses on hand
  • April 24, 5-6:30 p.m. at the Henderson Country Club – the school system’s annual Volunteer/Business Partner Recognition Reception
  • April 27, Arts Alive Talent Showcase at McGregor Hall – master classes for students from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.; students’ artwork on display beginning at 3 p.m.; show featuring at least 20 performing groups or individuals, all students in our schools, begins at 7 p.m.
  • May 20, 6:30 p.m. – our school system honors our top high school graduates at our “Evening of Academic Excellence” in the Civic Center at VGCC
  • May 23, 6 p.m. – Class of 2019 graduation ceremony for Early College High School in Civic Center at VGCC
  • June 6, 6 p.m. – Class of 2019 graduation ceremony for AdVance Academy in McGregor Hall
  • June 8, 9 a.m. – Class of 2019 graduation ceremony for Vance County High School in the gymnasium at Vance County Middle School
  • June 12, 6 p.m. – our school system’s annual Retirement Banquet at the Henderson Country Club
West End Baptist

West End Community Watch Hears From Animal Services at March Meeting

-Write up courtesy Claire Catherwood, West End Community Watch

Notes from the West End Community Watch meeting held on March 19, 2019:

The speaker for March 19 was Frankie Nobles, chief of Animal Services for Vance County and Henderson. The name was changed to “Animal Services” from “Animal Shelter” because the new title better fits the current goals.

The new facility opened in 2016 and it is equipped to handle all types of animals. Livestock is housed outside. There is inside housing for 75 dogs and 80 cats. Currently, there are three Animal Service officers in addition to Nobles.

A visitation room is available for people who want to interact with animals before they adopt. The cost for adopting a dog is $150, which covers spaying/neutering, deworming, a flea treatment, vaccines, micro-chipping, a heartworm test and a wellness check. (Prospective adoptees will be told if the animal is not healthy.)

The adoption fee for a cat is $100. It includes spaying/neutering, deworming, a flea treatment, vaccines, micro-chipping, leukemia/aids test and a wellness check.  Rabies shots cost $5.

Veterans walk the dogs regularly. All types of volunteers are needed. Frankie Nobles welcomes visitors, questions, and volunteers at any time.

A FREE Spay/Neuter program is now available to ALL citizens of Henderson and Vance County because of a very generous grant given to Animal Services

The Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society picks up puppies and kittens from Animal Services every Friday. Those animals are transported to points north, where they are adopted. In northern states, the spay/neuter laws are very strict. As a result, there are not enough animals available for adoption. Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society also posts photos of animals daily and networks with surrounding areas.

On Saturday, March 30, Animal Services will hold a Clean-Up Day for Brodie Road in Henderson between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. All necessary supplies and equipment will be provided. Volunteers are needed.

On Saturday, April 13 from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m., Animal Services will hold a Veterans Dog Walk Day. Volunteers are needed. Plan to attend and walk a few dogs.

Plans are in the works to begin a Pet Responsibility Program in the public schools for 4th-grade students. The course will run for five weeks and will end with an essay contest.

Asked whether Henderson has a “Leash Law,” Nobles noted that there is not a leash law, but dogs must be “controlled” at all times. That means voice commands to dogs that obey are sufficient. Dogs may be in invisible fencing or tied out. Citizens can come before a committee to express concerns. It takes the citizens working together to make a change.

Rec. Baseball & Softball Opening Ceremony/Picture Day to Honor Local Youth

-Information and flyer courtesy Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Facilities Supervisor, Aycock Recreation Center

Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks will hold the 2019 Baseball and Softball Opening Ceremony/Picture Day on Saturday, April 13, 2019, beginning at 10 a.m. This event will be held at the George Watkins Field #3 at the Aycock Recreation Complex, 307 Carey Chapel Rd. in Henderson.

This recognition/celebration will honor youth baseball/softball players, coaches, parents and sponsors. The entire community is invited to come out and support local youth.

Rain date will be Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m.

For more information, please contact Steve Osborne at 252.438.2670 or or Victor Hunt at 252.438.3408 or

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 03/25/19

Vance County Schools 03/25/19

News 03/25/19