H-V Chamber Logo

Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce Welcomes New Directors

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce’s November/December “Focus” Newsletter

The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce will welcome five new board members in the upcoming year. Please join the current Board of Directors along with the Chamber staff in welcoming our new directors to the Chamber Board: Chris Fisher with Henderson Fruit and Produce, Jenny Hester with PRIM Development and Residential Rentals, Ronald Bennett with Variety Wholesalers, Turner Pride with NC Cooperative Extension, and Bert Long with H.G. Reynolds Company.

Congratulations! We look forward to the beginning of your first three-year term as a Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce Director of the Board.

Cardinal Innovations Healthcare

‘Drugs Uncovered’ Event to Include Sessions for Parents & Youth

-Information courtesy Gina DeMent, Community Engagement, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare

“Drugs Uncovered: What Parents Need to Know” is an interactive program that targets parents of upper elementary, middle school and high school students. This is the second in a series on substance use in our communities hosted by Cardinal Innovations.

There will be two different presentations from 6 – 8 p.m. on Thursday, January 17 at the VGCC Civic Center in Henderson. One session will be for youth in 6th – 8th grade and the other session will be for adults. Refreshments will be available.

Adult Session – Drugs Uncovered: What Parents Need to Know

Drugs Uncovered introduces parents to the current trends regarding alcohol, tobacco and other drugs; health risks associated with adolescent use/abuse; the North Carolina alcohol laws and parental responsibility; and techniques for open communication and dialog with adolescents.

Youth Session – For the Health of It!

Grade Level: 6th – 8th

Students will discover how using drugs and alcohol can damage their brains and bodies. This class is centered around interactive activities that focus on “showing and not telling” kids how their brains are affected by alcohol and drug (inhalants, marijuana) use. Real life scenarios are used to help students analyze how a “drugged” brain affects their actions and decision-making skills. Students will also engage in role-play, reinforcing refusal skills.

Attending the event is free of charge. Please RSVP by Thursday, January 10 by clicking here.

Questions? Please call Mary Pearce at (252) 430-1330 or email mary.pearce@cardinalinnovations.org.

West End Baptist

West End Community Watch Will Hear From Mako Labs at Jan. Meeting

-Information courtesy Claire Catherwood, West End Community Watch

West End Community Watch will meet on Tuesday, January 15, at 6:30 p.m. at West End Baptist Church in Henderson.

The speaker will be Grant Fitzgerald who is with Mako Laboratories of Henderson. Law enforcement will be present to hear concerns from the floor and report recent criminal activities. Please plan to attend.

All are welcome, regardless of area of residence.

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Jamon Glover 01/03/19

News 01/03/19

Town Talk 01/03/19

Contaminant Levels Above Standard Detected in Local Drinking Water


Important information about your drinking water:

Henderson-Kerr Lake Regional Water has levels of Total Trihalomethanes ABOVE DRINKING WATER STANDARDS.

Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened, what you should do and what we did (are doing) to correct this situation.

We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Monitoring results for water samples collected during the time period ending September 30, 2018, show that the contaminant concentration from one or more sampling locations in our water system exceeds the standard, or maximum, contaminant level (MCL) for Total Trihalomethanes. The standard for Total Trihalomethanes is 0.080 mg/L. Over the referenced compliance period, the sample location with the highest average level of Total Trihalomethanes had a concentration of 0.105 mg/L.

What Should I Do?

  • There is nothing you need to do. You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor. If a situation arises where the water is no longer safe to drink, you will be notified within 24 hours.
  • If you have a severely compromised immune system, have an infant, are pregnant or are elderly, you may be at increased risk and should seek advice from your health care providers about drinking this water.

What Does This Mean?

This is not an emergency. If it had been, you would have been notified within 24 hours. However, some people who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys or central nervous system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.

What Is Being Done?

Henderson-Kerr Lake Regional Water is evaluating our distribution system in order to lower our test results. We anticipate resolving the problem within three months.

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools and businesses).

For more information, please contact:

Clarissa Lipscomb, Director – Henderson-Kerr Lake Regional Water, (252) 438-2141

280 Regional Water Lane – Henderson, NC 27536


Vance County Logo

Report Personal Property, Improvements to Real Property by Jan. 31

List Your Personal Property & Changes To Your Real Estate – Jan. 1, 2019 – Jan. 31, 2019

The Vance County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Permanent Listing System for all real property, BUT NOT PERSONAL PROPERTY.

  1. Real property owners are no longer required to list their real property with the Tax Administrator each January, however, property owners must continue during January to report any improvements or changes to real property since the last listing period. Failure to report improvements or changes since the last listing period requires a late list penalty per N.C. General Statutes 105-308.
  2. All taxable personal property, except tagged motor vehicles and tagged trailers, is still required to be listed as before and is also still subject to a late list penalty.
  3. You must continue to list individual personal property. Listing forms will be mailed to all individuals who listed previously: (a) mobile homes, (b) untagged/unregistered motor vehicles, (c) boats, (d) boat motors, (e) airplanes, and (f) improvements or changes to the real property.
  4. You must continue to list business personal property (down to the last 15x20x1 air filters you have on your property). Special forms will be mailed to all known businesses. If you own a business and do not receive a form, you may obtain a form by visiting the Tax Office, 122 Young St., Suite E., Henderson, NC 27536. Business personal property listings are subject to an audit.
  5. Anyone not receiving a listing form that has personal property to list or changes in real property may obtain a form by calling 252-738-2040. Forms are available within the Tax Office located at 122 Young St., Suite E., Henderson, NC 27536 or at www.vancecounty.org.
  7. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE TAX OFFICE HAS YOUR E-911 ADDRESS. Failure to receive a tax bill due to bad addresses does not eliminate the tax lien.


  1. ELDERLY OR DISABLED EXCLUSION (G.S. 105-277.1): This program excludes the greater of the first $25,000 or 50% of the appraisal value of the permanent residence of a qualifying owner. A qualifying owner must be either 65 years of age by January 1, 2018, or be totally and permanently disabled. The owner cannot have a gross income for the previous year that exceeds the income eligibility limit for the current year, which for the 2018 tax year is $30,200.
  2.  DISABLED VETERAN EXCLUSION (G.S. 105-277.1C): This program excludes up to the first $45,000 of the appraised value of the permanent residence if an honorable discharge veteran who has a total and permanent disability that is service-connected or who receives benefits for specially adapted housing under 38 U.S.C. 2101. There is no age or income limitation for this program. This benefit is also available to the unmarried surviving spouse of an honorably discharged veteran.
  3. CIRCUIT BREAKER TAX DEFERMENT PROGRAM (G.S. 105-277.1B): Under this program taxes for each year are limited to a percentage of the qualifying owner’s income. A qualifying owner must either be at least 65 years of age or be totally and permanently disabled. For an owner whose income amount for the previous year does not exceed the income eligibility limit for the current year, which for the 2018 tax year is $30,200, the owner’s taxes will be limited to four percent (4%) of the owner’s income. For an owner whose income exceeds the income eligibility limit ($30,200) but does not exceed 150% of the income eligibility limit, which for the 2019 tax year is $45,300, the owner’s taxes will be limited to five percent (5%) of the owner’s income.

Citizens who may apply for the property tax relief programs may acquire forms by visiting the Tax Office at 122 Young St., Suite E. or by calling 252-738-2040. Applications are required to be returned to the Tax Assessor no later than June 3, 2019.


If your land was in the farm deferment program in 2018 and your acreage has changed, you must reapply during January 2019 or within 30 days of the date on the “Notice of Change of Value” to remain in the program and avoid the roll back payment of deferred taxes. If you acquired land in 2018 that was in the farm deferment program, you must make application for this land in your name within 60 days of acquisition if you wish to have this land considered for farm deferment. New farm deferment applications must be filed by January 31, 2019.

Porcha D. Brooks, Vance County Tax Administrator


Triangle Literacy Council Brings YouthBuild Model to Young Adults in Henderson

-Press Release, Triangle Literacy Council

Today the Triangle Literacy Council (TLC) announced the second phase of their Regional Construction and Skills Trades Career Pathway for young adults, ages 16 to 24, in Henderson, NC. The 24-week-long program, called Henderson YouthBuild, offers three integrated components to area young adults: high school equivalency preparation, occupational training, and construction work-based learning.

Henderson YouthBuild aims to build a productive future for young men and women who have dropped out of school or have other barriers to employment. The program will blend academic and occupational course content along with leadership and life skills training, as well as follow-up support to young adults in Henderson. Participants are able to earn up to $50 a week for program attendance and $10 per hour wages for the work-based learning portion of training. Upon completion of the program, participants will have earned a nationally-recognized construction certificate, along with OSHA Certification and work experience, and be given the opportunity to find gainful employment, significantly improving their futures.

TLC currently operates the Bull City YouthBuild program in Durham, NC, providing job training and educational opportunities for at-risk young adults in the inner-city. TLC is excited to provide this same service model for the Vance County region which will inject positive and productive energy into the lives of young adults.

“We are so excited to bring the nationally recognized YouthBuild brand to Henderson, North Carolina. The YouthBuild model opens up new funding opportunities for our Henderson programming and will allow us to take the next step in providing job training skills and employment opportunities for Henderson young adults,” said Laura Walters, President and CEO of the Triangle Literacy Council. “As we establish our program in Vance County, we will be creating new partnerships with existing programs which will better enhance the community.”

Henderson Youthbuild is funded in part by the Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board and other funding opportunities on a national, regional and local level are being sought. The program is currently enrolling students in its second cohort. Interested participants should contact Roberta Freeman, Henderson YouthBuild Program Manager by phone at 252-204-2967 or via email at rfreeman@triangleliteracy.org, immediately for more information.

WIZS Note:

Freeman, who was on WIZS’ Town Talk program Wednesday, explained that the Triangle Literacy Council has been a part of a juvenile literacy program that has been in Vance County schools for two years now. “After careful consideration, and looking at the success of our YouthBuild program in the Durham area, the decision was made to bring the YouthBuild program to Vance County as well.”

While attending a four-year college or university is still a viable path to a successful career for many, Freeman said YouthBuild will allow local young people the chance to obtain their GED and “pick up a trade skill so they can further themselves in life.”

To hear today’s Town Talk interview with Freeman in its entirety, click here.


H-V Chamber Logo

Reminder: Application Deadline Quickly Approaching for Leadership-Vance 2019

-Information courtesy Sandra Wilkerson, Director of Admin and Events, Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

It’s time to apply for Leadership Vance 2019! If you haven’t been through the Chamber’s Leadership-Vance program, you don’t want to miss the 2019 session.

Leadership Vance is a proven, structured program, designed to create a corps of informed and dedicated emerging leaders in our community. Upon graduation, program participants will be qualified to meet the present and future challenges facing Henderson and Vance County.

Leadership Vance will inform, challenge and educate participants on the opportunities and needs of the community. Participants will strengthen their leadership skills while learning about the social, economic, and political dynamics that shape our community.

Leadership Vance will encourage the development of interpersonal relationships among the participants and establish an ongoing resource network.

The intensive training and exposure to all aspects of the community will provide participants with the historical background and the skills necessary for volunteer civic and community positions. It will also benefit participants in their business and career goals.

Individuals who live or work in Vance County are invited to apply. A maximum of 25 participants will be chosen by the Leadership Vance Selection Committee and will be selected to represent all backgrounds, occupations and geographic areas of Vance County.

To receive maximum benefit from Leadership Vance, it is essential that participants and their employers be willing to commit the time necessary for successful completion of the program. A participant is expected to attend all sessions, barring extreme emergencies. A maximum of two excused absences are permitted in order to graduate from the Leadership Vance program. All participants are expected to plan and participate as a team in a community service project.

Program cost is $350 for Chamber members and $425 for non-Chamber members. The tuition fee includes all course materials, meals, retreat expenses, travel, graduation banquet and diploma.

All participants should submit a completed application to the Chamber office no later than Monday, January 7, 2019. Notifications will be made by Friday, January 18, 2019.

For more information, contact Sandra Wilkerson at (252) 438-8414 or by email at sandra@hendersonvance.org.