Vance County Logo

Commissioner Hester Calls for New Study in Vance Co. Fire Redistricting Plan

In response to a fire redistricting plan that includes switching the Vance County Fire Department and the Golden Belt Fire District to a volunteer company, no longer employing a fire chief in the county and moving existing paid staff to work at volunteer departments during the day, County Commissioner Tommy Hester told WIZS News by phone that he has major concerns.

“I don’t think it’s enough of a plan,” Hester said. “I feel you need a fire chief; the way it was proposed, it seems like they want to do away with the fire chief. That’s not a position they need to be doing away with. You need a leadership position. I’ve never heard of not having a fire chief.”

Another concern is the age of the study being quoted. “The study was done 10 years ago in 2008. Ten years ago versus where we are today is entirely different. I feel we need a professional from outside the county to give us their input,” said Hester.

Yet another concern, according to Hester, is that other locations around the state are doing the opposite of what’s currently being proposed in Vance County. Instead of focusing on volunteer efforts, other areas are increasing paid positions in an acknowledgment of the difficulty in recruiting unpaid staff.

Hester emphasized that a lot of hard work has been put into the present plan by the leadership in Vance County, but said he feels more information and research is needed. “I don’t want us moving in the wrong direction not having looked at all of the alternatives.”

It is unknown at this time how much hiring an outside consultant and conducting a study would cost, but Hester essentially makes the point that the price would be worth the knowledge obtained. “The bottom line is the more information you have, the better decision you can make.”

The Vance County Board of Commissioners’ next meeting will be held on Monday, January 7, 2019, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson.


Bench Press Fundraiser for Raegan Owen, Local Girl Battling Cancer

-Information courtesy Harry Orr, Brick Power Team

A bench press contest fundraiser will be held for Raegan (Rae Rae) Owen, a local 10-year-old girl battling cancer, at the Henderson YMCA on Saturday, February 16, 2019. The meet starts at 12 p.m.; weigh-ins from 8:30 to 11 a.m.

$5 door charge for those over age 12. Entry fee is $40 for adults; $30 for teens. Trophies will be awarded for first and second place.

For more information, please email Harry Orr at or call (252) 432-4196 and leave a message. All sponsors and volunteers are welcome!

Franklin County Logo

Franklin Co. Public Utilities Reports Discharge of Untreated Wastewater in Youngsville

-Press Release, County of Franklin

Notification of Discharge of Untreated Wastewater

General Statute 143-215.1C requires that the owner or operator of any wastewater collection or treatment works to issue a press release when an untreated wastewater discharge of 1,000 gallons or more reaches surface waters.

In accordance with that regulation, the following news release has been prepared and issued to media in the affected county: Franklin.

Franklin County Public Utilities experienced a discharge of untreated wastewater from the Youngsville Regional pump station in Youngsville. The spill was a result of rain on Friday, December 28, 2018. The spill occurred at 4 p.m. on December 28, 2018, and discharged until 6 p.m. on December 28, 2018. The discharge of wastewater was estimated to be 3,600 gallons and it entered into an unnamed tributary of Richland Creek which is a tributary of the Neuse River Basin. Franklin County Public Utilities staff were dispatched to the site and started clean up after the overflow stopped.

The division of Water Quality was notified of these events on December 29, 2018, and is reviewing the matter. For additional information concerning this event, please contact Chris Doherty, Franklin County Public Utilities Director at (919) 556-6711.

Additional information can be obtained by visiting Franklin County’s website at and our Facebook Page.

Town Talk 12/31/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 12/31/18

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Foot Chase Breaks Outs When Suspect Flees Vance Co. Magistrate’s Office

WIZS News was sending out a Facebook Live video this afternoon about record rainfall in the local area when suddenly part of a local law enforcement foot chase unfolded in front of the camera. WIZS staff witnessed at least two deputies pursuing the suspect on foot with their guns drawn.

According to an eyewitness, who was standing outside the Vance County Magistrate Office, a man fled the Magistrate’s Office on foot at about 3:10 p.m. on Friday, December 28.  According to the eyewitness, the suspect put himself into the position of nearly being struck by a Henderson Police Department vehicle while he was fleeing across Chestnut Street.

The eyewitness’ description of the suspect turned out to be spot on. WIZS News chose not to show the suspect on video as he was being returned to the Magistrate’s Office a short time later. He was, however, in plain view and easily seen.

Before 3:20 p.m. on Friday, the suspect was taken back into the Magistrate’s Office, meaning his flight, the pursuit and his capture and return all happened in less than 10 minutes of elapsed time. As it was, a uniformed person with the Vance County Sheriff’s Office was seen bringing the suspect into the Magistrate’s Office.

Shortly after the incident, Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame confirmed that the suspect was Orrie Williams who was being brought in to the Magistrate’s Office by his bail bondsman to review his bond. Upon hearing that his bond was set at $40,000, Williams fled the scene.

Williams was originally brought in for failure to appear on two outstanding warrants for arrest, including charges of Driving While Impaired, Breaking and Entering and Felony Larceny After Breaking and Entering.

Brame told WIZS News by phone that he was pleased with the “quick response and a good job by the deputies of the Vance County Sheriff’s Office.”

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Urges Residents to Complete Tax Listing Forms Early to Avoid Penalty

-Information courtesy the County of Granville website 

Residents of Granville County should be on the lookout for the 2019 tax listing forms. The listing period is during the month of January.

The following items should be listed if owned as of January 1, 2019:

  • All new construction and improvements made to real property during 2018;
  • Unregistered vehicle (registered or licensed vehicles should NOT be listed);
  • Business personal property, including IRP, multi-year or permanently-tagged vehicles/trailers;
  • Non-household personal property such as boats and motors, jet skis, planes, etc..

Failing to list before Jan. 31, 2019 will result in a 10 percent late listing penalty of the tax levied. All listings, including those submitted by mail, should be received in the Granville County Tax Department or postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service within the listing period.

Application deadlines for exemptions include:

  • Elderly, disabled or circuit breaker – Jan. 1 through June 1, 2019;
  • Present use value deferments and all other exemptions, Jan. 1 through Jan. 31, 2019;

Applications may be obtained from the Tax Department.

The Granville County Tax Department staff will be available for assistance during the listing period, Monday through Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. at 141 Williamsboro Street in Oxford.

For more information, contact the Granville County Tax Department at 919-693-4181.

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Fraud Prevention Tip, Courtesy the Vance County Sheriff’s Office

-Information courtesy the Vance County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page

Here is a Friday Fraud Prevention Tip courtesy the Vance County Sheriff’s Office:

No law enforcement agency will ever require, demand, or request payment for anything via prepaid cards of any type. There are a limited number of circumstances where a deputy will accept money, but they are all face-to-face transactions that are accompanied by a civil process. We will never call you and allow you to pay your way out of a warrant with gift cards.

Unfortunately, we have had a repeated scam where someone will contact a target claiming to be Deputy So-and-so, telling the target that there is a warrant for missing Jury Duty or some other sort of reason. The scammer will use forceful language and attempt to coerce the target to go buy prepaid cards and read the numbers off the cards to them over the phone. They keep the target on the phone while they go to the store and purchase the cards. Once they get the numbers from the cards, they distribute the numbers to conspirators who go online and transfer the balance onto other prepaid cards. The funds are then laundered again, making them difficult to track.

The phone numbers they call from are usually “spoofed” using VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) to appear to be local numbers. The numbers cannot be traced back to anyone because they are not “assigned” using a legitimate phone service.

Vance County High School

Vipers move on in the South Granville Holiday Tournament

After defeating Middle Creek High in the 1st round of the South Granville Holiday Tournament, the Vance County Vipers face off against the reigning 4A East Champion, the Heritage Huskies, tonight in the semifinals kicking off at 7:30 PM at South Granville High School. If Vance County gets past the Huskies, they will move on into the Championship game tomorrow night against either the Chapel Hill Tigers or the Green Hope Falcons. If Vance County makes the Championship game, WIZS will be covering the ballgame with an 8:45 PM airtime and 9:00 PM tipoff.

Town Talk 12/28/18