Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Residents Urged to ‘Shop Granville First’ on Small Business Saturday – Nov. 24

— Information courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~

Now in our 4th year, the Shop Granville First event is even bigger and better than ever. What started as an idea to leverage the consumer-minded weekend and help the small, local business across Granville county has grown into an annual event. We’re excited to see just how much this program is going to benefit the business community in 2018.

“In 2017, an estimated 108 million consumers reported shopping or dining at local independently-owned businesses on Small Business Saturday — generating roughly $12 billion in reported spend.” 1

The impact that Shop Granville First has had on the greater Granville county area is significant. Participating business reported that the revenue generated on Small Business Saturday in the first 3 years is an 11% increase over past years. 2

Communities United

“As shopping small catches on in communities everywhere, Small Business Saturday goes from a cause to a day of community celebration. 90% of consumers surveyed said Small Business Saturday has had a positive impact on their community.” 3

Let’s do this again, together!

Neighborhood champions, community leaders, and volunteers are working hard to prepare for the 4th Annual Shop Granville First event to take place on Saturday, November 24, 2018. The Granville County Chamber of Commerce is taking the lead on this, and will serve as headquarters for any business or consumer who wishes more information on participating. Shopping bags, instructions, coupons and more will be distributed at the Annual Thanksgiving Breakfast.

We look forward to another successful Small Business Saturday. Remember, anything you want or need, you can get in Granville County, so Shop Granville First!

1 The statistic cited is an estimate based on projections from a nationally representative sample of adult consumers as reported in the post – 2017 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey commissioned by American Express and the National Federation of Independent Businesses. The Survey gathered self-reported data and does not reflect actual receipts or sales.

2 The statistic cited is an estimate based on self-reported data and does not reflect actual receipts or sales.

3 The statistic cited was based on an online study conducted among a nationally representative sample of adult consumers as reported in the pre-2017 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey commissioned by American Express and the National Federation of Independent Businesses. The Survey gathered self-reported data and does not reflect actual receipts or sales.

Oxford Prep Students Plant Garden to Feed Community Members in Need

-Information courtesy Victoria Bradsher, School Director, Oxford Preparatory School

On a beautiful Friday afternoon, students and teachers from Oxford Preparatory School (OPS) partnered with adults from Salem United Methodist Church to begin a garden that will serve those in need in the community. A critical part of the OPS mission is to grow citizens who give back to those who live in our local community. OPS seeks to partner with those in the counties we serve to help create a more positive life for those who live around us every day.

Oxford Prep students, in partnership with Salem United Methodist Church, planted strawberry plugs to help feed those in need in the local community. (Photo Credit: OPS)

On Friday, October 19, a group of active and focused students put in three hundred strawberry plugs in anticipation of a future harvest. Southern States in Oxford donated work gloves, fertilizer, and lime for this school project. In addition, a master gardener from the local community is eager to help organize the work and plan for ongoing maintenance and future crops.

OPS students, led by Aaron Prestrud and Thomas Venetta, joined by members of Salem UMC, led by Rev. Glenn Stallsmith, look forward to continuing to work together as we get closer to the strawberry harvest while also envisioning together what a spring planting and summertime project might entail.

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 10/22/18

Town Talk 10/22/18

News 10/22/18

Vance County Tourism

Think You Know Vance Co. Pretty Well? Prove it With This Scavenger Hunt!

-Information courtesy the Vance County Tourism Development Authority 

Think you know Vance County pretty well?

The Vance County Tourism Development Authority presents a “Show, Shine, Shag and Dine Scavenger Hunt Adventure.” On-going now through Monday, October 29, 2018, the hunt is designed to help people explore Vance County.

Scavenger hunters will use hints to locate numbered posters throughout the county and will be required to take a “selfie” at all 25 locations. The pictures must show the person and the poster number. Post your photos on Facebook at #VanceCountyTravelorsDiscoverAlot or bring all photos to the Vance County Tourism office for a chance to win $100.


Guild Gift Gallery Volunteers Create New VGCC Scholarship

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

The volunteers who operate the Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham Health have endowed their 13th scholarship to help students enrolled at Vance-Granville Community College. The new award is the second that specifically honors the service of the past and present volunteers who have donated their time to work at the gift shop over the years.

When 10 of the volunteers met last month for a photo in the lobby of the hospital on Ruin Creek Road, they represented more than 100 years of work in the gift shop. Altogether, there are two dozen volunteers who currently staff the gallery with a combined number of 170 years of service.

The new gift continues a tradition of the organization’s support for education. Since 2008, the Guild Gift Gallery has given over $350,000 to the VGCC Endowment Fund to create scholarships that help deserving students who will become the nurses and other health-care professionals of the future. A small team of the guild is also dedicated to sending out single mothers gifts on Mother’s Day. The same team also operates on sending out provisions to the street urchins so they could send gifts for dad who work outside the town.

Above, a group of volunteers gathers at the Guild Gift Gallery at Maria Parham Health with representatives of Vance-Granville Community College’s Endowment Fund to celebrate the creation of their newest scholarship. Seated, from left, are Charlotte Ayscue, Gean Bobbitt, Shaaron Reynolds and Jean Hutchins. Standing, from left, are Kay Currin, Judy Campbell, Vernell Champion, Pat Ayscue, Jimmie Ayscue, Lou Reavis, Sylvia Edwards and Eddie Ferguson. Currin and Ferguson represent the Endowment Fund. (Photo Credit: VGCC)

The latest award is being called the Guild Gift Gallery Past & Present Volunteers Presidential Scholar Award, according to Eddie Ferguson, director of VGCC’s Endowment Fund. The scholarship will award $1,250 each year to a student enrolled in a Health Sciences curriculum program at VGCC.

Of the 24 volunteers who are currently active, the years of service are as follows: Gean Bobbitt, 27 years; Lou Reavis, 22; Louise Bennett, Jean Hutchins, Jean Norwood, and Betty Stevenson, 13 years each; Charlotte Ayscue and Sylvia Edwards, 10 years each; Vernell Champion, 9; Margie Moss and Shaaron Reynolds, 8 years each; Tricia Kleczek, 7; Betty Abbott, 5; Gail Malone, 3; Shannon Clark and Carol Pegram, 2 years each; and Sylvia Anderson, Jimmie Ayscue, Pat Ayscue, Judy Campbell, Fern Ellington, Dave Kleczek, Beverly Parrish, Stephanie Stringer, and Linda Washburn, 1 year each.

“This new scholarship beautifully connects all of the people who worked at the gift shop in the past with those who volunteer today to benefit the students who will help us carry forward into the future,” Ferguson said. “These volunteers have made and continue to make the Guild Gift Gallery such a success.”

Gean Bobbitt, coordinator of volunteers, said, “These women and men go above and beyond to provide the highest level of service to patients and to hospital visitors in a caring and friendly way. It’s so easy to see that they are excited about the work they do and the contribution they make.” She thanked Duke LifePoint and Maria Parham Health for their support of the Gallery.

Dr. Gordon Burns, interim president of Vance-Granville Community College, offered his praises for the work of the volunteers. “This gift shop demonstrates that it is an essential part of the hospital and the community,” he said. “Its local impact is evident as the money that the shop generates stays right here in the local community and it helps local students who are pursuing a career in healthcare at Vance-Granville.”

In addition to the scholarships honoring past and present volunteers, the Guild Gift Gallery volunteers have created presidential scholar awards honoring Bobbitt and in honor of Ann Rose Allen, who is now deceased, and in memory of Leslie Carswell, Dr. J. Franklin Mills, and Dr. W. Beverly Tucker.

The VGCC Endowment Fund and Scholarship Program has now awarded more than 9,000 scholarships to students since 1982. Scholarships have been established by individuals, businesses, civic groups, churches and the college’s faculty and staff to assist deserving VGCC students. Tax-deductible donations to the VGCC Endowment Fund have often been used to honor or remember a person, group, business or industry with a lasting gift to education.

Granville County Survey to Help Determine Tourism Strategies

-Press Release, County of Granville

In an effort to distinguish Granville County in the marketplace, the Tourism Development Authority is conducting market research to develop a branding strategy and consistent message to visitors and residents. The Hughes Marketing Group of Matthews, NC has been retained to facilitate this process and will be collecting surveys from visitors and residents to learn more about the events and locales that attract visitors and have the most appeal to those who live in Granville County.

Surveys will be collected through Oct. 31 and are available online at or through the offices of the Granville County Chamber of Commerce (Oxford and Creedmoor) and the Granville County Administration office at 141 Williamsboro Street in Oxford. An online survey is also available through the Visit Granville NC website at

Those participating in the survey are eligible for prize drawings such as a $100 Visa Gift Card, tickets to Granville Haunt Farm, gift certificates for Cedar Creek Gallery, Uptown 101, Java Dave’s, Owl House Café or Georges Restaurant and a Visit Granville gift bag.

Questions for residents include a ranking of factors that may attract visitors to the area, as well as residential longevity in the county and personal opinions about reasons Granville County is a unique place to live, work and visit.

Granville County has much to offer not only residents but those who visit our communities for festivals, local attractions, sporting events and more. For more information, contact Angela Allen, Granville County Tourism Director, at 919-693-6125, or The Tourism Development office is located at 124 Hillsboro Street in Oxford.

 About Granville County Government:

Granville County Government enhances the quality of life for the citizens of the County by providing an array of services through a responsive, effective, and efficient local government. Learn more at Follow Granville County Government on Facebook @GranvilleCountyGov. 

Tickets on Sale Now for Reverse Raffle to Benefit ‘Shop With a Cop’ and H-V Chamber

-Information and flyer courtesy Sandra Wilkerson, Director of Admin and Events, Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

Maria Parham Health presents a Reverse Raffle with Silent Auction and Dance on Saturday, November 10, 2018, from 5:30 to 11 p.m. at the Henderson Country Club. Semi-formal attire is suggested.

Tickets are $125 and include dinner for two, dancing and a chance for a $5,000 grand prize.

Various silent auctions will be held including two reserved tickets. Raffle tickets will be sold for three reserved tickets.

Money raised benefits the local Shop With a Cop program and the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce’s efforts to help local businesses.

The event is brought to you by the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce, Henderson Police Department and the Vance County Sheriff’s Department.

Please call the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at (252) 438-8414 for more information or to purchase tickets.

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Become a Part of Historic Downtown Henderson With an Engraved Granite Paver

-Information courtesy the Henderson Downtown Development website

Become a part of Historic Downtown Henderson! For each $300 contribution, an engraved 8″ x 8″ granite paver will be placed on Garnett Street. Your payment is a charitable contribution to the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission and will be used towards continued revitalization efforts in downtown Henderson. The HVDDC is a 501 (c)3 organization and your contribution is tax deductible.

The pavers are installed around the trees in downtown Henderson. The engraving must be no more than 12 characters per line, including spaces. You can personalize pavers for yourself, your friends, family members or your organization. There are many possibilities!

Downtown Henderson is the area’s only historic commercial district and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1987. Over 75% of the structures contribute to the downtown’s unique turn-of-the-century appearance. For years to come, residents and visitors can enjoy a unique commercial historic district that bears the name of people who have contributed to the revitalization of downtown Henderson. Leave your legacy in granite!

For additional information, including a link to the order form, please click here.

(This is not a paid advertisement)