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Vance Co. Commissioner Brummitt Says Fire Plan to Create, Not Cut, Paid Positions

Vance County Commissioner Dan Brummitt, a 12-year representative of District 4, was on Tuesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss plans to improve response time to fires and emergencies in the county.

Working with a fire plan crafted by the Vance County Board of Commissioners approximately seven years ago, Brummitt said several “tweaks” have been made over the years to better serve residents.

“We’ve put paid firefighters in during the day in Bearpond, Hicksboro and Townsville [fire departments] and are looking at putting paid staff in all of the volunteer fire departments on a part-time basis,” said Brummitt.

According to Brummitt, the County’s new CAD software will allow for faster and more accurate tracking of calls and response time. “With the new system, we can identify specifically what kind of calls we receive and where they are occurring so we can more accurately predict behaviors and put people in the right place to ensure quicker response times.”

The Board’s Public Safety Committee hopes to have an approved proposal to take before the full Vance County Board of Commissioners this fall. “We hope to have more accurate numbers after three months or so of data collection with the CAD system before we present the plan.”

While Brummitt was thankful to the various fire departments and the Volunteer Association for their feedback and support of the plan to monitor calls and redistribute firefighters where needed, he admitted unemployment rumors have created concern. “There has been apprehension that people were going to lose their jobs. We’ve been very deliberate from the beginning of the process to ensure that no person is going to lose their job.”

“You may not wake up in the same fire department that you’re in now, but your job is not going away,” said Brummitt. On the contrary, Brummitt said payroll could increase if current unpaid volunteer work becomes paid part-time employment.

Brummitt reiterated that nothing is set in stone and that commissioners are still developing the plan and receiving input from the community. He also stated that any previous plans presented or reported are simply concept plans and not a final, approved version.

“We are still developing the plan, still receiving input from professionals, volunteers and the community; all input will go into developing the plan. It is a totally open process.”

Brummitt believes all of the input and restructuring of the current fire plan will pay off if citizens in Vance County are better protected in emergency situations. “The end-all is that we want to get quicker with response time to people out in the county and we’re working on that now.”

Community Partners to Bring NC MedAssist’s Free Mobile Pharmacy to Oxford

Press Release, NC MedAssist

NC MedAssist will hold a Mobile Free Pharmacy Event in Oxford on Friday, August 17. The event, which is in collaboration with Triangle North Healthcare Foundation, is open to any low-income individual or family needing over-the-counter medications.  The event will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Oxford Baptist Church (147 Main Street, Oxford, NC 27565). Identification is not required to participate.

“Triangle North Healthcare Foundation is pleased to partner with NC MedAssist on the Mobile Free Pharmacy event,” said Foundation Director Val Short. “The event is expected to have a huge impact on the community. Triangle North Healthcare Foundation values the work we do in our community for those who are vulnerable and don’t have access to healthcare. We hope to educate participants on the healthcare resources available in Granville and surrounding counties.”

Individuals will receive up to 8 medicine cabinet items for their family/home. Additionally, participants will receive other free healthcare services like information on NC MedAssist Free Pharmacy Program. NC MedAssist’s overall goal is to help ease the burden for those who are making the choice between buying food or purchasing medication.

The event is completely volunteer run. Serving 800 individuals in one day takes many hands to make sure the event runs smoothly and ensures that all participants are served before the door closes. NC MedAssist is partnering with Triangle North Healthcare Foundation and other safety-net organizations to recruit community members to serve in roles such as pharmacy consultation, client ‘personal shoppers’, and sorters. If you would like to volunteer, please visit to sign up.

“NC MedAssist is excited to work with Triangle North Healthcare Foundation and our partners to give back to our neighbors in need,” stated CEO Lori Giang. “Through our collaboration, we are able to reach more and more individuals and educate them on our free resources.  No one should go without medicine and this program is enabling us to reach those who are unaware of our free medications.”

There are currently more than 3,000 people in Granville County that live below the Federal Poverty Level and do not qualify for insurance. Last fiscal year, NC MedAssist dispensed over $48 million in free prescription medication statewide. For more information on the Mobile Free Pharmacy and NC MedAssist, please visit

About NC MedAssist: Founded in 1997, NC MedAssist is a statewide non-profit pharmacy that provides free prescription medicines to low-income, uninsured North Carolinians. NC MedAssist offers three programs that address the needs of children and adults: the Free Pharmacy Program, the Mobile Free Pharmacy, and the Senior Care Program. NC MedAssist dispenses more than $48.5 million worth of free prescription medication to 15,000 low-income North Carolinians each year. To learn more about NC MedAssist and find out how to get involved, visit, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

Rebuilding Hope, Inc. Giving Away 4,000 Pencils

-Information courtesy the Rebuilding Hope, Inc. August 2018 newsletter

Rebuilding Hope, Inc. (RHI) has 4,000 pencils to give away. If you need pencils for your classes or projects, please call (252) 438-5132.

The pencils, which are not sharpened, were donated to RHI. Printed on them are the names of various businesses and organizations that ordered too many.

‘Incredible’ Movie Night Planned This Thursday in Downtown Oxford

-Information courtesy the Oxford NC, Historic Downtown Facebook page

Downtown Oxford Movie Nights continue on Thursday, August 16, 2018, with “The Incredibles” (rated PG). The movie starts at 8:30 p.m. at Oxford City Hall Theater, 300 Williamsboro St., Oxford.

Beat the heat and leave your lawn chairs at home for this one.

For more details or updates, check out the Oxford NC, Historic Downtown Facebook page.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 08/14/18

Vance County Schools 08/13/18

Town Talk 08/14/18

News 08/14/18

Perry Memorial Library Announces Fall Schedule for Youth Programs

-Information courtesy the Perry Memorial Library website

Perry Memorial Library, 205 Breckenridge St., Henderson, announces their fall lineup of youth programs. Fall programs run  September 17 – November 29, 2018, and include:

Totally Tweens – Ages 8 – 12, Mondays @ 5 p.m.

Story Explorers – Ages 5 – 11. Tuesdays @ 5 p.m.

Books & Babies – Ages Birth – 2, Thursdays @ 10:45 a.m.

Mother Goose Storytime – Ages 2 – 5, Thursdays @ 11 a.m.

LEGO Fun Club – Ages 5 – 13, Thursdays @ 4 p.m.

August is program planning month for the library; youth programs resume Monday, September 17.

City of Oxford to Conduct a Smoke Test on Sewer System

-Information courtesy the City of Oxford website

McGill has been contracted by the City of Oxford to conduct a smoke test survey beginning Wednesday, August 29 through Friday, September 14, 2018, and will be ongoing until completed. The smoke test survey may be delayed by the occurrence of a heavy rain event.

A smoke test survey will assist inspection crews in locating breaks and defects in the sewer system. Non – toxic smoke will be introduced into a manhole and forced down the sewer lines with the use of an air blower. Smoke will escape from the system at any point where there is an open break in the line.

For example, smoke may rise from the ground in yards, stream banks, storm drains, etc. Smoke will also escape from all manhole lids, vents on building roofs, cleanouts, and from underneath buildings if poor plumbing exists. Be advised that smoke can enter your home, office, or place of business. The smoke is harmless to humans, pets, food and material items.

The smoke is:


You do not have to be on site during testing!

It is advisable to pour a gallon of water into every sink, tub, and floor drain that is NOT subject to everyday use. This will fill the p-traps and prevent smoke from entering the building.

If you have questions, please feel free to call:

Engineering/Project Manager– Amy Ratliff –919-603-1113

McGill/Project Manager– Bill Roark – 919-378-9111