News 05/10/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 05/10/18

Screen-Free Kids


Kids spend too much time on screens! Screen time includes television, videos, computers and computer games and smartphones. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the White House Taskforce on Childhood Obesity recommend no screen time for kids under age two and less than two hours a day of educational programming for older kids.

But we know that many kids spend much more time than that in front of a screen. According to the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, on any given day 29% of babies under the age of one are watching TV for 90 minutes and 23% of these kids even have a TV in their bedroom. Time with screens increases rapidly after the first year. Between age one and two, 64% are watching over two hours a day, and 36% have a TV in their bedroom! By the time kids are eight, they average about seven hours of screen time daily!

Excessive screen time is linked to increased BMI and childhood obesity, irregular sleep patterns, delayed language acquisition, and less time interacting with parents. Kids who reduce screen time are less likely to be obese, have a healthier diet, do better in school, and are more physically active.

As parents, we set limits and examples for screen time. Start reducing your screen time and replace it with healthy active behaviors.

A great place to start is to remove the TV from bedrooms. Make the bedroom a screen-free zone, by moving all TV’s and computers to a family room.

Set firm limits for TV watching, video games and phone and computer use.  You might want to track just how much you and your family use screens, and reduce usage for everyone. Track your use for a week, and don’t forget to add in smartphone use, computer use, gaming use and TV viewing. It can add up to a lot more hours than you realize.

Have a family conversation about how much screen time you have, and come up with ideas together to reduce your time. Find other activities to do together, think about outside games, family puzzle or game night, reading books or listening to music. There are loads of things to do together as a family instead of everyone plugged into a separate screen.

Pledge to turn off the TV during dinner. Make use of dinner time to talk about your day with your family.

When you do watch TV, be active during the time you spend watching. Do yoga, stretch, walk on a treadmill or in place. Have a family competition to see who can do the most sit-ups during a commercial break.

Try not to use screen devices as a reward or a punishment as this can make the devices seem even more important to your kids.

The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood encourages everyone to reduce screen time by having a screen free week. Their website, has tips and pledge cards you and your child can use to help turn off your screens for a week.  Try eliminating or reducing your screen time for a week.  You might just be pleasantly surprised how much fun you can have without screens.

I Voted Sticker

Brame to Face Pulley for Vance Co. Sheriff; Ellis & Hartness Keep Their Seats

The unofficial results of Tuesday’s primary election are in and Vance County residents have selected their Democratic candidates for the November 6, 2018, general election.

With 56 percent of the votes, Democratic candidate Curtis Brame will face off against Republican challenger Charles Pulley for the seat of Vance County Sheriff. Brame received a total of 2,646 votes in the primary election – 1,431 on election day, 1,201 through one-stop early voting and 14 by absentee ballot.

Sheriff’s candidate Billy Gooch received a total of 1,379 votes, or 29 percent, while candidate Melissa Elliott ended the day with 661 votes, or 14 percent.

Vance County Board of Education incumbents Margaret Ellis (Dem) and Ruth Hartness (Dem) won the majority of votes to retain their seats as representatives for District 6 and District 7 respectively.

Ellis received 394 votes, or 76 percent, beating out challenger Omega Perry’s 125 votes, or 24 percent.

Hartness received 579 votes, or 69 percent, beating out challenger Marcia Allen’s 262 votes, or 31 percent.

Overall numbers indicate that of the 25,536 voters registered as a Democrat or as unaffiliated in Vance County, 4,691 voted in Tuesday’s election. This represents approximately 18 percent of eligible registered voters.

Any candidate who filed that is unopposed in Vance County will be on the November 6th general election ballot.

Posted election results are considered unofficial until official results are released later next week.

Click here for a breakdown of voting totals by precinct.

Granville County Logo

Granville County Relay for Life – This Friday, May 11!

— courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~

The annual Granville County Relay for Life event will be held Friday, May 11, 2018, at JF Webb High School’s track field, 3200 Webb School Road in Oxford.

A Survivor’s Reception will begin at 4:30 p.m., with opening ceremonies starting at 6 p.m.

Businesses, schools and churches are encouraged to “paint the town purple” the week of Relay. Most downtown businesses are displaying the Relay promo poster.

Oxford Baptist Church Youth will be selling large purple bows to businesses for $6 each. Contact Cindy Joy or Martha Denny at (919) 693-5181 or email for additional information.

“Beatle Mania Mystery” at the Historic Hotel Norlina

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

— by Craig Hahn

***Photographs courtesy Leigh Traylor***

As many of you know from earlier Warren County Historical Tidbits and daily drives thru Norlina, we have a diamond in the rough and 100+ year old treasure in the Hotel Norlina right on US #1 in Norlina.

The Historic Hotel Norlina as it appeared in 1973

Recently, a Warren County resident, Margaret Moseley has begun working with the current owner of the Hotel Norlina to bring it back to life and open a new chapter for this regal building. As they’ve worked to host sales before Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter for local home-businesses that attracted up to 200 shoppers in a day, Margaret and the owner have been working to take the steps necessary to earn funding and support for the Historic Hotel Norlina over the recent months. Part of their work has been doing extensive research into the history of this hotel.

In doing that research, one “local legend” that kept tugging at Margaret was that of a visit in the 1960’s by Beatles’ members John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Could she find proof? Check out the telling of this story by Margaret herself…

“Beatle Mania Mystery”

By Margaret H. Moseley

As some of you may or may not know, the owner of Historic Hotel Norlina is in the beginning process of restoring the old building to her former glory and has plans to start a historic museum/library. We have been researching the history of the hotel and of the town of Norlina and want to incorporate the library/museum to retain the history of its past and record the present day activities for generations to come.

For decades it has been rumored that “The Beatles”, well at least a couple of them, stopped at Hecht Hardware Store’s Indian Museum in Norlina during the 1960’s. It was rumored that John Lennon and Paul McCartney visited and other rumors stated it was John Lennon and Ringo Starr.

I wondered why no one has ever tried to find the answer. My curiosity got the better of me so I was on a mission to find the truth behind the legend. Through extensive research, detective work, numerous phone calls and communications I located the person in possession of the log book and pleaded for just a copy of the pages. I recently received the coveted copies of the Museum Log Book from the present owners. Upon reviewing some of the log pages, I thought we had found the proof necessary to verify that the famous entertainers did indeed stop in Norlina. There it was in black and white, John Lennon and George Harrison’s names dated 12/22/1969. I was ecstatic that we finally had proof of their visit. However; a little voice of reasoning was nagging, “You need to research the authenticity of the signatures”. Although it would have been the easy thing to do and just say we have proof, I listened to the voice of reason and with the confidential help of a friend and “Norlina native”, began an extensive research of authentic certified autographs from both John Lennon and George Harrison.

Much to our dismay, the signatures bear no resemblance to that of the certified autographs. Not only do they not resemble the original signatures, we found that there is absolutely no way possible that John Lennon would have been here in Norlina on that date as there is documentation proving otherwise. You see, December 16, 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono left England on a tour to Canada. This was their “War is Over, Give Peace a Chance” marking the end of their two-year protest of war.

Now I have more questions than answers and have begun a new search for some facts. I have always believed that where there is rumor, there is also some truth; therefore, I need the assistance of anyone who actually may have seen, know of someone who saw, or have any other proof that the Beatles were at the museum at Hecht’s Hardware Store. If anyone has any information, could you please come forward and assist us in solving the mystery. You can contact Margaret Moseley at 252-820-8032 or via email at

So, there you have it. Can you help? I’m confident that there is someone in our wonderful County that can shed some light on this story. Please keep me in the loop as you pass along your information. Here’s to solving our “Beatle-Mania Mystery!”

Wherever you turn in Warren County we have a jewel… “Warren County Historical Tidbits” is a project of The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County.

City of Henderson Logo

Two Henderson City Council Committees to Meet Tomorrow

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson

The Henderson City Council’s Public Safety Committee will meet on Thursday, May 10, 2018, at 1 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue.  The purpose of this meeting is to discuss general public safety issues.

The Henderson City Council’s Boards and Commissions Committee will meet on Thursday, May 10, 2018, at 2 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue.  The purpose of the meeting is to consider applications for various citizen committees.

The public is welcome to observe.

St. John Baptist Church, Women’s Day Service Sunday, May 13

St. John Baptist Church, 490 Jacksontown Road, Middleburg NC, will be celebrating a Women’s Day Service on Sunday, May 13, 2018, during the Worship Service at 11:15 a.m.

Guest Speaker will be Min. Viola Calixte of United Solid Rock Faith Ministries, Warrenton, NC. and Sis. Joyce Durham will be the Presider.

The public is invited to attend.

Henderson Lions Club Meets Tomorrow

-Information courtesy Randy Oxendine, president of the Henderson Lions Club

The Henderson Lions Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Henderson Country Club on Thursday, May 10, 2018. The speaker will be Lion Melvin Hanks.

To learn more or join the Lions Club and be part of an active community service organization, contact any Lions Club member
or President Randy Oxendine at (252) 438-8034.

Faith Dove

Ashely Grove Baptist Church Holds Special Mother’s/Women’s Day Celebration

Ashley Grove Baptist Church, 2425 Nutbush Road in Henderson, will be celebrating Mother’s Day/Women’s Day on Sunday, May 13, 2018, at 11 a.m.

Speaker: Rev. Jerri T. Jones of Ashley Grove Baptist Church

Music will be rendered by Ashely Grove Youth Choir and soloist Ms. Tykia Martin of Raleigh, N.C. Mistress of Ceremony will be Mrs. Linda Terry.

Rev. Perry Sharpe, pastor and congregation are inviting the public to attend.

Granville County Public Schools

JF Webb High School Senior Parade

– Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools

The senior class at JF Webb High School would like to invite you to come see their parade through Granville County elementary schools decked out in their graduation regalia.  Our seniors will show elementary students the result of their hard work!  It is also a chance for seniors to reflect on their time in the Granville County Public School system.

It will be a meaningful event for all involved, and we would love for you to come and be a part of it.  On Wednesday, May 23, seniors will begin at 9 a.m. at West Oxford Elementary School, 412 Ivey Day Rd, then travel to CG Credle Elementary School, 223 College St, between 9:30 and 9:45 a.m., and finish at Stovall-Shaw Elementary School, 7696 US-15, around 10:30 a.m.  These are estimated times but should be close.

Please RSVP by email to Leslie Magnanti, JF Webb English teacher at if you plan to attend.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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