Northern Vance hosts annual Class Night for Seniors

Vance County Schools

For Immediate Release


Northern Vance High School hosted its annual Class Night for members of the Class of 2017 in the school’s gymnasium on May 18.


A total of 180 graduating seniors were honored during the event. They were recognized for their outstanding achievements during their four years of high school. The soon-to-be graduates were presented awards for their high academic achievements, community involvement, outstanding attendance and citizenship and athletic accomplishments.


Approximately $3 million in scholarship awards will be going to members of the graduating class who will go on to attend colleges and universities beginning in the fall.


Well over 70 percent of the Class of 2017 members at Northern Vance High will go on to further their education at a four-year college or university, at a community college or to serve in the U.S. military.


The top 10 percent of academic achievers in the Class of 2017 at Northern Vance include Megan Andrews, Jared Bennett, Brooks Falkner, Charlie Chiem, Tamiya Davis, Holly Hilliard, Sarah Howarth, Hannah Mason, Shadi Nagi, Connor Pendergrass, Michelle Pham, Penny Phan, Jo’el Royster, Deriana Scott, Nathaniel Stevenson, Turner Roberson, Imani Simmons, Bailey Shelton and Jeffery Zheng.

Noted author salutes VGCC Adult Basic Skills graduates


Graduates of Vance-Granville Community College’s Adult Basic Skills programs were encouraged to adopt a can-do attitude and keep learning at their commencement exercises on May 4. The honorees were among those students who have completed either the Adult High School Diploma program or the High School Equivalency program in the past year.

The principal commencement speaker was Dr. Timothy B. Tyson, an award-winning author and Duke University professor who spent part of his childhood in Oxford and now resides in Durham. Tyson recalled that although he now holds a doctoral degree, he did not usually enjoy school as a child.

“I slowly began to withdraw from school,” Tyson said. “I went less and less, and I found other things to do. I dropped out of high school as a junior. I became a construction laborer and then a cook.” But a young woman he was dating, who was in graduate school, told him that he would like college, arguing that it was quite different from high school. “I started at a community college, where I found intellectual excitement and I did well, and then I transferred to UNC-Greensboro,” Tyson said. “I loved college. It was a place where independent thought and passion were rewarded.”

Over time, Tyson discovered more and more educational opportunities that he did not know existed. He encouraged the graduates not to limit themselves but to keep striving for more. “You’re not stuck in some place that your past performance has put you,” Tyson told them. “You can’t let anybody stop you and put you in a box. Keep looking forward and figure it out. There’s a way to do it. It’s not as though, if you took a wrong turn at the beginning, somehow you’re stuck in that groove. You can navigate this, and you can end up doing what God put you here to do.”

The author said he was “thrilled” to witness this “proud and important moment” for the graduating students. “Your education will affect yourself, your children and people who are yet unborn, but it’s not just about advancing yourself, it’s about lifting up everybody,” Tyson said. “Each of us, day to day, doing our own bit, can change the world and have changed the world.”

Speaking on behalf of the graduating students during the ceremony was Spencer Bojan Boyd of Oxford. Boyd completed the Adult High School Diploma program online. A native of Serbia, he was adopted at the age of six by a family in Johnston County, who later moved to Granville County. He was born without a right leg and with a distorted left leg, which was later amputated. “Throughout my journey, my friends and family, particularly my mother, have stuck by my side, supporting me, saying ‘yes, you can,’” Boyd said.

He said his mother’s insistence pushed him forward, so that now, “I am an adult high school graduate – yes, I am. To be clear, I didn’t become a graduate solely on my mother’s belief that I could. I’m an adult high school graduate because Vance-Granville Community College also believes in ‘Yes, you can.’” He said the online program allowed him flexibility and time to focus.

“Through its resources, VGCC has helped me graduate high school and is in the process of helping me into college,” he said. “By extending my education beyond high school, I will be able to discover new doors and opportunities.” Boyd recently enrolled in the College Transfer program at VGCC. He plans to complete two years at the college and then continue his education at a four-year university to study orthotics and prosthetics to help other amputees. “I hope to encourage, support and take care of those who are less fortunate than myself,” Boyd said. “I hope to use the tools that Vance-Granville provided in the future and really get a hold of my purpose in life.”

He concluded, “No matter what obstacle comes your way or how many hardships in life you face, you can turn the idea of ‘this is impossible; I can’t do this’ into ‘Yes, I can, and yes, I have!’ and the fact that I stand before you as a proud graduate is living proof. Mom, yes, I can. VGCC, yes, I can. Henderson, North Carolina, yes, I can. Serbia, yes, I can. The world, yes, I can.”

In welcoming remarks, VGCC Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Angela Ballentine congratulated the graduates. “You saw an opportunity to improve your life through education, and you seized that opportunity,” she said. Ballentine urged them to continue their education and invited them to meet with college faculty and staff at the conclusion of the ceremony. “This could be the first of many commencement exercises for you,” she said.

Following Tyson’s address, Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the president of VGCC, praised the graduates and applauded the Basic Skills faculty for preparing students to succeed. “Commencement, as you know, does not mean ‘an ending’ — it means ‘a beginning,’ and that is especially true for this occasion,” she told the graduates. As an extra incentive for graduates to begin their collegiate studies, Williams announced that each would receive a certificate worth free tuition and fees for one semester of courses in curriculum programs at VGCC, absorbing costs not covered by federal financial aid. “This certificate for tuition and fees is our way of saying ‘congratulations’ and ‘keep going,’” the president said.

After VGCC Adult Basic Skills department chair Greg Nash announced the candidates for graduation, Dr. Ballentine assisted President Williams in presenting diplomas.


News 05/24/17

H/V Chamber Postpones first Meet Me in the Street Concert

We are going to have to reschedule the Meet Me in the Street concert tomorrow evening due to rain during the set up time and potential for thunderstorms and hail during the beginning of the concert.

We will get a new date to you asap. We are still scheduled for June 22 and September 14.

H/V Chamber Welcomes Cook Shack Catering

On Monday, May 22nd, the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for Cook Shack Catering. Cook Shack Catering is located on Hwy 39 S in Louisburg, NC.

Cook Shack is not new to the Henderson/Vance County area. Many have enjoyed their food over the years. Owner Austin Murray has been catering for more than 20 years. He started out with catering events for friends. Quickly Austin’s catering business grew into Cook Shack Catering Company. Cook Shack can assist with a custom menu for any occasion, large or small. Austin and his excellent catering team provide more than just food for your event. They provide their client and their guests an amazing experience from start to finish. Cook Shack is one of the area’s premier caterers and we are glad to welcome them to the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce. Visit Cook Shack Catering at or call them at 919-497-0669.

Oxford Prep Teacher named recipient to Fulbright-Hays Program

Ms. Rita Ulrich has been named a recipient of the Fulbright-Hays program for the summer of 2017. She will be studying in Bulgaria. The Fulbright-Hays program to Bulgaria will focus on the nation’s relationship as part of the European Union, N.A.T.O. and the neighboring countries of Turkey and Russia. Over the four weeks, the program will highlight the role that globalization has played in Bulgaria’s development since joining with the E.U.  This study will include the impact that refugee migration into the country has had on the economy, culture, education, and demographics, as well as the results of the “brain drain” of Bulgarians who have left for better opportunities elsewhere.

Ms. Ulrich is the social studies teacher for 7th and 8th grade, as well as psychology teacher to advanced placement students at Oxford Prep. She is a graduate of Florida State University with a double bachelors in social science education and psychology. Ms. Ulrich also has a masters degree in international education from the University of Sydney, Australia. After teaching in both South Korea and China for four years, she returned to the United States two years ago to continue my teaching career at an American school. The reason she applied to the Fulbright-Hays program is to expand my knowledge of the changing dynamics of Eastern Europe, as well as educate myself in how the larger global issues are impacting Bulgaria and surrounding region. Ms. Ulrich states that “It is my goal that the Fulbright program will provide opportunities to connect with the people of Bulgaria who are living through the constant global change in the nation, bringing their varying and diverse experiences back to the classroom. Students who will be enrolled in my A.P. psychology class will then have a chance to analyze how the concepts they learn actually play out in the real world through individual stories and lesson based around these very topics.”

VGCC honors Radiography Graduates

Twenty-two new graduates of Vance-Granville Community College’s two-year Radiography program were honored in a May 8 pinning ceremony in the college’s Civic Center.

The Radiography Class of 2017 included Marlene LaShon Bailey and Anna Tilley, both of Creedmoor; Trevor Houston and Brooke Oakley-Storer, both of Durham; Mary Elizabeth Brewer, Kelsey Paige Hight, Kara Siena Shelton Reese and Madalyne Woods, all of Henderson; Kaitlyn Burton Sumner of Hurdle Mills; Chelsea Jane Flaxcomb and Sabrina Johnson, both of Louisburg; Mary DeAnn Currin, Maricela Carbajal, Kristel L. DeHart and Jonathan Liddane, all of Oxford; Jaime Wilson Lorey of Raleigh; Brittany Michelle Chandler of Roxboro; Morgan Hailey Keith of Stem; James Arnold Lea of Timberlake; Jamisha Danielle Twitty of Warrenton; Taylor Renee Davis and Jennifer Rena Rhodes, both of Youngsville.

In welcoming remarks, VGCC Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Angela Ballentine congratulated the graduates and, as a colleague in the field of radiologic technology, former instructor and former program head, welcomed them to the imaging profession. She shared some information about the diverse class, noting that nine graduates had been raising children during their studies, 17 had earned Dean’s List or President’s List honors, and seven already held college degrees or diplomas in other fields.

Ballentine expressed best wishes to at least 14 graduates who are planning to continue their education in specialty fields such as CT, MRI, mammography and nuclear medicine. She also thanked the faculty and staff who had “educated, inspired and supported these students.”

Jamisha Twitty was recognized with the Academic Achievement Award for having the highest GPA in the class. Anna Tilley received the Mallinckrodt Award for outstanding clinical performance. James Lea received the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Student Award of Excellence.

The students voted for Deborah T. Gilliam of EmergeOrtho (formerly Triangle Orthopaedics) as the top technologist at the clinical sites in which they received their 900 hours of practical training, while Lindsey Hinkle of the Durham V.A. Medical Center received the JRCERT Award of Excellence for Clinical Educators. Both are VGCC alumni. The Clinical Affiliate Award of Excellence went to the Durham V.A. Medical Center.

The guest speaker for the ceremony was Anthony Kidd, chief therapist/manager of Radiation Oncology at Maria Parham Health. Kidd is an alumnus of the VGCC Radiography program. “I think back now to how important Vance-Granville has been to me for my life and my career,” Kidd reflected. He expressed his pride in the graduates. “You have worked hard and made some personal sacrifices,” Kidd told them. “It was well worth it, because now, you have a degree, a trade, a profession, and no matter where you go or what you do, that stays with you.” He thanked the instructors for their dedication to the students, the college and the imaging profession.

Kidd offered a description of the characteristics of radiologic technologists, saying that they were creative, problem-solvers, skilled at time management and compassionate. “We’re not only artists, but through our art, we save lives,” he said of radiographers. “Our profession means a lot to me. We are key parts of any hospital. Doctors can’t doctor and nurses can’t nurse effectively until you have done your job.”

As class president, Jamisha Twitty gave a response on behalf of her classmates. She thanked the Radiography instructors for their wisdom and patience. She and other class officers surprised faculty members Angela Thomas, Stacey Soles, Anthony Twisdale and Lewis Daughtry with gifts from the class to show their appreciation. Twitty also expressed appreciation to her classmates and to the graduates’ “families and friends who have supported us from day one and sacrificed to ensure we stay on the path to success.” To them, she said, “This has been a shared victory.”

Lori Wiggins, a member of the Radiography Class of 2018 and vice president of the Radiography Club, thanked the senior students for their support and particularly recognized Twitty for encouraging the junior students.

Graduates received pins from Dean of Health Sciences Angela Thomas and recited the Radiographer’s pledge as the ceremonies concluded.


Vance County Early College Celebrates Graduation

Vance County Schools

For Immediate Release

May 22, 2017



The 48 members of the Class of 2017 who will graduate from the Vance County Early College High School were honored during their Class Night event on May 18.


The Class Night celebration was held in the Civic Center at Vance-Granville Community College.


Graduating seniors were recognized with a variety of school awards and were presented with thousands of dollars in scholarships to further their education at a four-year college or university.


The top 10 percent of the academic achievers in the Class of 2017 include Christopher Brame, Sierra Hawkins, Kristen Oakes, Janet Rodriguez-Morales and Jacob Weaver.


Additional members of the graduating class are Celene Acuna, Jasmine Allen, Christopher Ayscue Jr., Megan Ayscue, Keana Baskerville, Je’Ronee Blackwell, Christopher Blue, Lauren Chavis-Hargrove, David Cobbs Jr., Ashlyn Collier, Chadstity Copeland, Erika Decena-Santos, Alexis Hanks, Mya Hargrove, Hayden Harris, William Harris, Robert Hawkins IV, Ronald Renteria, Tia Johnson, Mychell Keith, Darius Macon-Majette, Jaylil Majette, Nyesha Miller, Michelle Perdomo Dominguez, Xavier Perry, Bali Reavis, Autumn Richardson, Tara Roberson, Kellie Robinson, Stephon Sample, Alexandra Saravia, Rebecca Short, Timothy Terry Jr., Alicia Tucker, Christian Vazquez, Angel White, Darius Williams, Malik Williams, Hailey Williamson, Jordan Williamson, Amber Wilson, Anautica Wilson and April Zuniga-Trejo.

Home and Garden Show 05/23/17

Town Talk 05/23/17