Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 03/15/17

News 03/15/17

Home and Garden Show 03/14/17

Boston University Students Dedicate Spring Break to Serving Franklin County

Louisburg, N. C. — Ten students from Boston University have spent last week supporting Terrell Lane Middle School as part of the University’s Alternative Spring Break Program. The program, which has served the Louisburg community and Terrell Lane Middle School students for more than ten years, is focused on providing volunteer support and community service to rural and low-income areas across the country.

During their visit, the team of student volunteers worked to provide various forms of instructional support to the school. This includes: tutoring small groups of students, presenting to classes and grade levels on various subjects, including character education, and assisting with the middle school’s annual spelling bee.

According to Lisa Rocco, program coordinator for the University’s internship program and chaperone for this year’s trip to Terrell Lane, the alternative spring break program is not only a leadership opportunity for BU students, it also gives them a chance to better understand many of the needs facing similar areas throughout the country.

“For both [BU] students and communities, these trips are an opportunity for them to engage in service, engage with people in the community, and to really get a feel for the needs of the people they’re working with,” she says.

The team of students drove more than 15 hours from Boston, Massachusetts before arriving at the school. Rocco says the drive was more than worth it for these students to better understand rural life and some of the challenges students in Franklin County face each day.

“Walking away feeling enlightened, feeling so much more aware and seeing first-hand some of the issues affecting people, it helps ground you,” she says.

However, without the support of local philanthropist and school board member, Paige Sayles, the visit wouldn’t be possible. Sayles has opened her home to nearly a dozen college students each year as part of the program’s visit.

Devin Harvin, a sophomore and double major in Political Science and History at BU, is one of the student coordinators for this year’s group. He said the welcome that Sayles and other members of the community have provided to him and the student volunteers he’s traveling with has been unbelievably positive.

“I really like Louisburg,” he said, adding “It’s been such a welcoming and friendly atmosphere that seems really focused on community.”

Harvin is from Baltimore, Maryland, but members of the student group are from all over the world – ranging from Abu Dhabi to California, and from Thailand to Georgia. On Friday, Schools Superintendent Pascal Mubenga visited Terrell Lane to thank the visiting students for choosing to serve Franklin County Schools and to invite them to return as teachers when they graduate.

“Programs like this really make an impact on our student’s perspective,” he said. “I would encourage you to think about returning to Franklin County after you graduate – we’re always looking for great, dedicated teachers.”



Patrick Glace

Director of Communications

Franklin County Schools

Rance Richardson Withdraws Not Guilty Plea in 1st Degree Murder Charge

Warrenton, NC  – Warren County Criminal Superior Court was held the week of March 6, 2017, with Judge Michael O’Foghludha presiding. The State called the case of Rance Richardson for trial. Mr. Richardson was charged with First Degree Murder in the October 11, 2014, death of Daniel Perez Martinez.

During jury selection, Mr. Richardson withdrew his not guilty plea and entered a plea of guilty to Second Degree Murder and Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon.

Judge O’Foghludha sentenced Richardson to active consecutive sentences of 230 months minimum to 288 months maximum and 55 months minimum to 78 months maximum, to be served in the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Division of Adult Corrections (DAC).

Mr. Richardson’s co-defendant, Luchano Johnson, was also sentenced during the term. Mr. Johnson pleaded guilty to Second Degree Murder in July 2016, and was also sentenced to an active term of 193 to 244 months in the DAC.

The District Attorney’s Office was represented by Assistant District Attorneys Onica F. Fuller and Melissa D. Pelfrey. The case was investigated by the Warren County Sheriffs Office and Detective David Brown under the direction of Sheriff Johnny M. Williams along with Agents from the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation.


Southern Vance Names Darry Ragland as Head Football Coach

When Southern Vance High School’s new head football coach takes the sidelines this fall, it will be a familiar face for Raider fans.

Southern Vance has announced that their new head football coach will be Darry Ragland. The announcement serves as a homecoming of sorts for the Raiders as Ragland previously served as an assistant coach at Southern Vance for 14 seasons from 1999 to 2012. He coached wide receivers and was the offensive coordinator under former head coaches Mark Perry and David Jennings. Ragland was also offensive coordinator under outgoing head coach Lewis Young in 2012 before leaving to become the Assistant Head Coach at Northern Vance from 2013-2016.

Ragland served as offensive coordinator for the Raiders in 2006 when Southern Vance lost in the NCHSAA 2AA State Championship game to Shelby, 27-24. He specializes in a variety of offensive systems and will bring a new look to the Raiders this fall.

“We took our time and did our due diligence while searching for our next head football coach.” Athletic Director Joe Sharrow said of the coaching search. “ We ultimately believed that bringing Coach Ragland home to a place that he loves and is familiar with is what we needed at this time. He knows our kids, he knows our school, and I am confident that he knows what it takes to be successful here.”

Ragland will replace Lewis Young, who resigned in November after finishing his career with a 14-43 record. This will be Ragland’s first opportunity as a head coach and he has prioritized returning the Raiders to the type of success that was achieved while he was an assistant coach at Southern Vance.

“Southern Vance has a strong football tradition that I am proud to have been a part of and would like to bring back,” said Ragland in a statement. “I am grateful to have the opportunity to come home and lead the Raiders back to what we once were. I would like to thank (Principal) Rey Horner and (Athletic Director) Joe Sharrow for the trust they have bestowed upon me. Those two have created an incredibly supportive atmosphere here that I am excited to be a part of.”

Southern Vance will open the 2017 football season at home against Bartlett Yancey High School.

Town Talk 03/14/17

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 03/14/17

News 03/14/17

VGCC adding new Associate in Fine Arts degree

Vance-Granville Community College is preparing to offer an Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) degree in Visual Arts, with classes starting in August. Prospective students can begin the process of enrollment now.

The degree will be a third college transfer option available at the college, joining the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees already being offered. Earning this two-year AFA degree can serve as a springboard to completing a four-year bachelor’s in fine arts (BFA) degree in visual art at a university. Students will be encouraged to contact four-year universities in which they are interested, to find out about any specific transfer requirements.

In addition to their general education classes, AFA students will take classes in art history, two-dimensional and three-dimensional design, and drawing.

VGCC has offered visual arts classes of different kinds throughout its history. In 2015, VGCC began holding “Fine Arts Day” events, which incorporated not only visual art but also music, dance and dramatic arts.

Isaac Talley, an award-winning visual artist, is a full-time art instructor at VGCC, teaching courses such as Art Appreciation, Two-Dimensional Design, and Drawing. “The AFA will be an excellent way to complete your first two years of college with tuition that’s very affordable, and then proceed on to East Carolina University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Greensboro or elsewhere,” Talley said. “It’s a great opportunity, especially for people who are interested in painting, as well as digital photography, which we are planning to add in 2018.”

He added that while at VGCC, students will be able to hone their skills and build a portfolio that can help them gain admission to the university of their choice. They also may simply want more training in art without necessarily continuing to the four-year level. Jessie Hartley of Oxford, a current VGCC College Transfer student who won first place at the college’s juried student art exhibition, said that “the AFA program is appealing to me because it opens up more learning opportunities for me involving art. With the Associate in Arts program, I have learned everything from some early art history to painting and drawing. With the AFA program, my knowledge of art can expand even further with the use of different media and techniques that I possibly haven’t even heard of. It will also help my credibility for future job possibilities involving art.”

Hartley said that she has enjoyed all of the art classes she has taken at VGCC thus far. “In painting and drawing, I enjoyed the freedom and self-control it gave me,” she recalled. “I learned that I could express myself in all manners of ways on a canvas that could speak to the viewer of that piece, perhaps even touch their soul.  In art history and art appreciation, I enjoyed going through the past, learning facts and valuable information and where it all began. All in all, I am really looking forward to the AFA program, and I feel that all art students, including myself, will benefit wonderfully from it.”

After she graduates from VGCC, Hartley’s plan is to develop her own studio as a freelance artist. “I would like to travel to different art festivals and sell my work, as well as learn different crafts and techniques with a diverse range of media,” she said. “I may pursue further education later on, which the AFA degree will help with to enhance my credibility and experience.”

For more information about the AFA program, contact Betsy Henderson at or (252) 738-3371.