Town Talk 06/23/20: FGV Smart Start Offers Free Books, Literacy Programs for Children

Smart Start

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Garry Daeke, development coordinator for Franklin-Granville-Vance (FGV) Smart Start, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Daeke discussed Smart Start’s “Reach Out and Read” program as well as the agency’s on-going partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.

“Reach Out and Read” (ROR) is an evidence-based literacy program that promotes early reading and school readiness during pediatric well-child visits beginning at six months of age. Doctors and their staff offer children a new book free-of-charge each visit and talk to parents about the important role reading plays in mental, social and emotional development.

“Where do parents really listen? All the studies show the number one place, when they have young children, is the pediatrician or the doctor,” said Daeke.

Partially funded through Smart Start, additional funding is provided by community partners such as the Duke Energy Foundation, which recently granted the agency $5,000 to assist with book purchase. Thanks to this support, Daeke said ROR continues to grow, with over 4,500 children and parents involved in the program last year.

Duke Energy is also a supporter of Smart Start’s other literacy program – the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Founded by singer and entertainer Dolly Parton’s Dollywood Foundation, the Imagination Library offers youth one free book a month – via mail – from birth through age five.

The books are developmentally appropriate for children at the age of sign up and change each month as the child grows, taking them through their fifth birthday before they “graduate” out of the program.

The first book participants receive is “The Little Engine That Could” by Watty Piper. The last book in the series is “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come” by Nancy Carlson and teaches children ideas and concepts that will prepare them for elementary school.

“What an incredible way to be a fundamental part of your child’s growth,” said Daeke. “The brain develops from reading and engaging with your children. Social and emotional development comes from sitting down with your child and reading to them. There’s a lot of love and comfort provided in that; our children need that.”

Applications for the Imagination Library can be found at various locations locally including pediatric offices, childcare centers, the Granville Vance Public Health Department, Maria Parham Health, libraries and the FGV Smart Start office.

To hear the interview with Daeke in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

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