Three Granville Senior Centers Closed to Public Until Further Notice

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-Press Release, Granville County Government

At their March 16 meeting, Granville County Commissioners voted to close all three Senior Centers (Oxford, Creedmoor and Stovall) until further notice. This decision was made in an effort to protect participating older adults from the COVID-19 virus, as senior residents are the most vulnerable.

Group activities, classes, group meetings and special events have been canceled as of Wednesday, March 18 at 8 a.m. Tax assistance, offered on Thursday evenings in small groups, will continue until notified.

Home delivered meals will continue to be delivered, and congregate meals (on-site) will still be available as a drive-through option. Congregate participants may pick up meals at the Oxford Senior Center, 107 Lanier Street, between the hours of 11 a.m. and noon, but must order one day ahead by calling 919-693-1930.

Those utilizing the drive-through services of the satellite centers should call the Centers in Creedmoor (919-528-0848) or in Stovall (919-693-3383) to make arrangements.

Those not able to use the drive-through option should call the Senior Center to inquire about being placed on a home-delivered route.

KARTS has also made the decision to temporarily discontinue the around-town shuttle until further notice.

Those with questions are asked to call 919-693-1930; however, the doors of all three Senior Centers will remain open between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday as staff will be available to provide one-on-one assistance and answer questions as needed.

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