SportsTalk: NCHSAA Finalizes Overall Draft of Conference Realignment

SportsTalk 12:30 p.m. M-Th

The North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) has finalized the conferences for the next realignment cycle. The NCHSAA Board of Directors met all day Monday to hear final pleas from many schools for conference realignment. One of those pleas was from Vance County Athletic Director Philip Weil. Weil urged the board to consider moving Vance County from 6A/7A Conference C, to 4A/5A Conference A, which is the home of J.F. Webb and South Granville. The Vance County AD cited that from a competitive standpoint, it would be better if Vance County was in 4A/5A Conference A. Weil also stated that the travel for schools in 6A/7A Conference C is much greater than what he proposed. The conference Weil proposed would include: Vance County, Carrboro, Cedar Ridge, Durham School of the Arts, Orange, Seaforth, South Granville, and J.F. Webb.

The Board of Directors voted unanimously in an 18-0 decision to deny Vance County’s request. Therefore for the next four years, Vance County will be a part of 6A/7A Conference C.

Another change that went into effect was that The North Carolina School of Science and Math in Durham requested to move to 1A/2A Conference D as the only 3A from 2A/3A/4A Conference A. A motion to approve the move was made and seconded. This means that the North Carolina School of Science and Math in Durham will no longer be in a conference with Louisburg and Bunn.

Below are the finalized conferences for teams in Vance County and the surrounding counties:

6A/7A Conference C

1A/2A Conference E

4A/5A Conference A

2A/3A/4A Conference A

1A/2A Conference C

Analysis and reactions to come on SportsTalk!

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