Sixth Annual Great Landscape Day Planned at the MHCO

6th Annual Great Landscape Day at MHCO – March 18, 2017

It’s that time of year again, March 18, 2017 will mark our 6th Annual Great Landscape Day at the Masonic Home! Thank you for your participation in the past as part of this successful Masonic Home for Children’s event.  This day of service and charity has grown from one single Girl Scout Troop to over 120 individuals representing families, businesses, churches, Lodges, and civic organizations.  The beauty that you and others have given to this Home continues today.  Our thanks again for your help in the past and for your consideration of this year’s event.  We hope you can join us and will invite others to share in this day of help and fellowship!  Come and join us for a good meal (two in fact) and the chance to bring beauty, comfort, and security to the home of a child.

When:           Saturday, March 18, 2017 – (NO RAIN DATE THIS YEAR – CALL FOR UPDATES!)

Where:          Campus of Masonic Home for Children, 600 College St., Oxford, NC

Schedule:      7:30am – 9am – Continental Breakfast for participants

8:30am – 12:00pm – Landscaping Event on Campus

12:00pm – Lunch and Conclusion of Event

Groups can start after 8:30am and/or leave before 12 noon if needed.  Please bring shovels, gloves, wheelbarrow, rakes, and other landscaping implements for your personal use.  A needs list of items that can be given as part of the event is available at www.mhc-oxford.org.  You must RSVP and sign-up on or before March 10, 2017 to participate and must include the number attending.  This is very important to make the most of this day. To RSVP or for more information contact MHCO at 919-603-3930 or jgrimes@mhc-oxford.org.


Jennifer Grimes

Financial Development Assistant & Database Manager

The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford, Inc.

600 College Street

Oxford, NC 27565

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