NCDOT Seeks Input On Granville Roadway Projects


Granville County residents are invited to provide feedback on some highway improvement projects on the NCDOT 2026-2035 State Transportation Improvement Plan.

Comments will be accepted until July 17 at the following link: https://live.metroquestsurvey.com/?u=oq8i8y#!/?p=web&pm=dynamic&popup=IntroPopup

Once the July 17 deadline has passed, NCDOT will release regional project scores and public feedback will be used to determine what amount of available funding will be allocated across North Carolina in the final approved STIP.

Projects included in the draft STIP plan for 2026-2035 for Granville County include:

For more information about STIP, visit https://www.ncdot.gov/initiatives-policies/Transportation/stip/development/Pages/default.aspx

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