Lewis St. Development, OPS Annexation Topics of Feb. Commissioners’ Meeting

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-Information courtesy Cynthia Bowen, City Clerk, City of Oxford

The City of Oxford Board of Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Board Room, City Hall in Oxford.

Agenda items include:

Public Hearing Joint public hearing with the Planning Board to hear citizen input regarding approval for a 58 +/ – Planned Unit Development on Lewis Street (adjacent to the solar farm).

Consider approving the PUD (Planned Unit Development) with conditions for the 58+/acre project located off of Lewis Street and adjacent to the solar farm.

Consider Accepting Certificate of Sufficiency for Petition of Voluntary, Non-Contiguous, Annexation by Oxford Preparatory School, and calling for a public hearing to be held at the March 10 regular board meeting. 

Accept funds 0f $12,000 provided to the City of Oxford by Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation.

Consider approving the renewal of the Governmental Attachment Agreement with Duke Energy Progress.

Consider supporting the Oxford Historic Preservation Commission in applying for grant funds in completing the National Register update project.

Consider calling for a public hearing to be held at the March 10 meeting for a revision to the subdivision ordinance regarding the installation of sidewalks and curbing under Section.71.2 (a).

Consider appointing David Quinn to the Historic Preservation Commission.

Consider appointing Michael Delionback to the Historic Preservation Commission.

Consider approving Change Order #2 for Phoenix Fabricators & Erectors, LLC, for the Water Tank and Associate Water Mains Project.

Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign the Task Order for Infrastructure Design Assistance.

Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract with TriMat for 2017 USDA Water & Sewer Project Construction Testing.

Consider authorizing submittal of an application to USDA for a grant/loan for Contract 2 engineering, construction, and administrative expenses and that the City Manager and/or Mayor, as needed, be authorized to sign all loan application documents.

Consider approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order #1 for H.G. Reynolds Company, Inc. for the 2017 USDA Water and Sewer Improvements Project.

Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a Task Order for Sewer System Modeling.

Please click here for the full meeting agenda.

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