J.F. Webb Public Hearing Guidelines

Granville County Public Schools would like to make sure certain guidelines are in place and met at the upcoming J.F. Webb High School and J.F. Webb High School Health and Life Sciences Public Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, 2018.

It will take place at the J.F. Webb High School cafeteria.

In a news release, the following guidelines were provided:

-Guest speakers must “Sign up” to speak (up to 30 minutes prior to the 7pm Public Hearing start time);

-The guest speaker sheet will be pulled to close sign-up at 7pm;

-Guests will have 4 minutes to speak;

-The hearing is scheduled to last until 8:30 p.m. If there are still guests who signed up waiting to comment at 8:30 p.m, the Board can decide by majority vote whether to extend the hearing or make some other accommodation;

-The Board of Education will only listen to guests, as no responses or decisions will be provided that evening;

-The Board of Education will take the public input and study information under advisement and will deliberate and make a final decision at a later public meeting.

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