It’s Winter Weather Preparedness Week: Are You Ready?

Winter Weather

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-Press Release, Granville County Government 

In North Carolina, Dec. 6 through Dec. 12 is Winter Weather Preparedness Week. Granville County Emergency Services urges all residents to plan now before potentially dangerous winter weather arrives:

Be ready for winter weather by:

If you must travel during severe winter weather conditions:

Don’t forget to include pets in your emergency plans. To keep animals safe during winter weather:

Granville County Emergency Services reminds all residents to be prepared for inclement weather throughout the year, and to stay informed about the hazards where they live.

For information about enrolling in CodeRED, Granville County’s free emergency notification system, please visit www.granvillecounty.org or call Granville County Emergency Services at (919) 603-1310. For more information on how to prepare for winter storms, visit www.readync.org.

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