Granville’s Fall “Clean-Out” Diverts 72,000 Pounds Of Materials From Landfill To Recycle, Safe Disposal

Last month’s fall “clean-out” event in Granville County diverted more than 72,000 pounds of materials from the local landfill.

That is 36 TONS of stuff that went to recycle or otherwise safe disposal, according to Teresa Baker, recycling and sustainability coordinator for the county.

Vendors were on hand in the Granville County Expo and Convention Center parking lot on Saturday, Nov. 20 to unload vehicles that brought in everything from unused paint to propane tanks.

But not everything that was collected was destined for disposal or recycle – people also were able to drop off items for the Granville Humane Society.  Here is a breakdown of vendors and the amount of materials that were collected:

Residents who participated in Granville County’s bi-annual clean out events leave knowing that these waste materials will either be recycled or properly disposed of instead of harming the local environment.

Granville County Environmental Services would like to thank all vendors, staff, volunteers, and participants who helped the event a success. The next clean-out will take place in spring 2022.

For more information about Granville County Environmental Services, visit the Granville County website: https://www.granvillecounty.org/residents/solidwaste/.

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