Granville Early College High School Receives 2019 College Success Award

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Granville Early College High School is proud to announce that it has received the College Success Award, which honors schools that excel in ensuring students prepare for college, enroll in college and succeed once they get there.

Launched by GreatSchools.org, the leading nonprofit provider of trusted school information, the 2019 College Success Award recognizes 1,722 schools in 25 states. Award-winning schools have a successful track record of graduating students who later enroll in two or four-year colleges, are ready for college-level coursework, and persist on to their second year, according to available data from each state.

College and career-ready graduates are critical to fueling the U.S. economy, as 65 percent of jobs will require a postsecondary degree by 2020. Granville Early College High School is one of the approximately 20 percent of eligible schools in NC that won the College Success Award.

“We are extremely proud of our talented and hard-working students,” said Principal Jackie Harris.  “Our staff is dedicated to their success and continue to demonstrate excellence in their efforts.”

The College Success Award is possible because NC is leading the nation in collecting and being transparent in sharing information on how students do after high school, which is valuable information for families, educators, and policymakers.

For more information about Granville Early College High School, please visit their website:  https://gech.gcs.k12.nc.us/  Visitors and guests are welcome to visit by appointment!

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