Granville County Public Schools Schedule, Delay 12-16-20

Granville County Public Schools

— courtesy of Granville County Public Schools; written by Dr. Stan Winborne, GCPS

Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 16 is a remote learning day for all students, and the first day of our temporary transition to Plan C.

However, tomorrow is also the first day for our traditional high school students to report to their school in-person to take their state mandated final exams. Schools have communicated these exam schedules to individual students.

That being said, the National Weather Service has Granville County under a winter weather advisory with possible freezing rain and ice tomorrow morning. So, as a precaution, our high schools will operate on a 2 hour delay for all students who will be taking their exams tomorrow. We will be monitoring the weather closely throughout the evening and early morning hours and provide any additional updates as needed.

Again, tomorrow is a remote learning day for all students EXCEPT our high school students who will need to take their state final exams in person, but at this time those high school students will report to school with a 2 hour delay.

Thank you and please be safe!

Dr. Stan Winborne
Assistant Superintendent of Operations & Human Resources
Public Information Officer
Granville County Public Schools

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