Cyclists To Pedal Through Granville County Oct. 6 On Their Way From NC Mountains To The Coast

Cycle North Carolina kicks off a week-long ride from the mountains to the coast on Oct. 3, with hundreds of cyclists taking to the state’s scenic backroads to get from Sparta to Topsail Beach over a six-day period. Granville County is on the itinerary for Day 4, and participants will get a glimpse at several different local spots during their visit.

The group consists of cyclists from 41 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, as well as Costa Rica and Canada. Tour stops include Cedar Creek Gallery in Creedmoor, the Soldiers Memorial Sports Arena, Camp Butner Museum, Butner Town Hall, High Rock Farms outside Oxford and the Stem Fire Department.

From noon until 4 p.m., cyclists can enjoy lunch from area food trucks on the grounds of the Creedmoor Recreation Center. The Granville County Tourism Development Authority will also host a welcome tent where local maps and area information will be available.

The day will conclude at the Butner Gazebo Park for “Alive After Five,” sponsored by the Granville County Chamber of Commerce, where cyclists will meet area residents and enjoy live music by the Band of Oz. The event starts at 5:30 p.m. and food trucks will be on site, according to information from county public information officer Lynn Allred.

Volunteers are needed to assist on the day of arrival, Oct. 6, and will be assigned to distribute information at the welcome tent, transfer luggage, and handle other duties. Two-hour shifts are set up beginning at 11 a.m. and ending at 7 p.m. For more information about volunteering or to sign up, please contact Granville County Tourism Director Angela Allen at angela.allen@granvillecounty.org.

The “Mountains to the Coast” Tour is the state’s only fully-supported ride. Luggage is transported in vehicles from one overnight host community to the next. Rider support vehicles are also available to aid cyclists who experience physical or mechanical issues. Outdoor camping areas are set up for interested participants, with rest stops available every 15 to 20 miles along the route. The group averages about 65 miles a day.

The stop in Granville County includes an overnight stay at a temporary campsite on the grounds of the Creedmoor Recreation Center, with reservations at local hotels for those who prefer additional amenities. Overnight stays for the 2021 tour are also scheduled for Mount Airy, Reidsville, Roxboro, Smithfield and Wallace, with the route passing through many other towns and communities along the way.

Over the past 21 years, Cycle North Carolina participants have made overnight stops in more than 100 North Carolina towns and have visited 700 communities while promoting heritage tourism, visitor attractions and state parks, as well as the benefits of bicycling and a healthy lifestyle.

Drivers should be aware that groups of cyclists will be on Granville County roads on Oct. 6 and Oct. 7. Please drive carefully and pass with caution.

Visit https://ncsports.org/event/cyclenc_mountainstocoast_ride to learn more about the “Mountains to the Coast” cycling tour.

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